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# Return to Ritherdon: Relay
Relay is one of three smaller projects which make-up the 'Personal
Flash in Real-Time' -- which is one artwork with the main 'Return to
Ritherdon' project.You should view the three smaller projects as one
project. And, for the purpose of this documentation, I will refer to
'Personal Flash in Real-Time' as a system instead of an artwork.
For more information on the 'Return to Ritherdon' project, use the
following link:
- [Return to Ritherdon Overview](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/rtr-docs)
### 'Personal Flash in Real-Time': Project Overview
The overall system ('Personal Flash in Real-Time') consists of three
separate/smaller projects. You should not view them as individual
pieces within the overall project. From an artwork point-of-view,
'Personal Flash in Real-Time' is one piece. The name of the software
projects are 'Light Meter' (which is this one), 'Midpoint' and
'Relay'. All three projects reside in their own git repositories. You
can find the repositories at the following links:
- [Light Meter](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/light-meter)
- [Mid-Point](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/midpoint)
- [Relay](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/relay)
The (technical) aim of the project is to turn a set of lights on at
the gallery when the welding machines are active in the welding booths
at Ritherdon. The solution we arrived at was a three-stage
process. The stages are as follows:
1. Monitor the light levels in the welding booths at Ritherdon and
send that information to a sever (Light Meter).
2. Receive the light readings and store them in a database and make
them available for others to access (Midpoint).
3. Have the lights installed at the gallery connected to wi-fi enabled
relays which request the latest light readings from the server. If
the readings are above a certain threshold, have the light in the
gallery turn on (otherwise, turn off). The relays are responsible
for turning the lights on and off (Relay).
Each step should require no human intervention.
For more information on how each project accomplishes its task, please
use the (repo.) links above. Otherwise, here is an diagram to help
explain the three stages mentioned above.
![Main Project Architecture](attachments/main-proj-architecture.png)
## Hardware Specifications
Here are a list of parts used in this project:
- [Raspbian](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/) (You can
use the G.U.I. or "headless" version)
- [Raspberry Pi
4](https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/) (I
am assuming you have the appropriate power cable, S.D. cards Etc.)
- [Single Channel 5v Relay](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dealikee-Module-Indicator-Channel-Arduino/dp/B08ZJ9T355/ref=sr_1_12?dchild=1&keywords=5v+relay+module&linkCode=gs3&qid=1635877670&qsid=262-0370227-8667213&sr=8-12&sres=B08YK9V3V6%2CB07RKH9KLM%2CB06XK6HCQC%2CB01H2D2RI0%2CB08MTD5BPJ%2CB07PZC9ZMM%2CB07CNR7K9B%2CB08ZJ9T355%2CB07V1YQQGL%2CB07MY2R2ML%2CB07G71S7VP%2CB09C2ZHXXP%2CB08GPF9FNX%2CB09CN81J32%2CB07SDLJSWB%2CB08YJ6TS29%2CB08V15SNZS%2CB09DS3DD1J%2CB08KWPMP2V%2CB07TTVYGC8&srpt=RELAY)
### Checking Your Raspberry Pi's Hardware Layout
Because there are multiple versions of the Raspberry Pi, the layout of
the General Purpose Input/Output (G.P.I.O.) Pins differ. A quick way
to find out how the G.P.I.O. pins are laid out, for the Pi you are
currently working on, is to open a terminal and entering the following
command `pinout`.
Doing this will lead to you seeing something similar to the image
More information about this can be found at the following URL:
- [Checking Raspberry Pi Board Version](https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2012/09/checking-your-raspberry-pi-board-version/][Raspberry Pi Board Information)
## Wiring-Up the Relay
- [Wiring Single Channel Relay with Raspberry Pi](https://www.14core.com/wiring-single-channel-relay-with-raspberry-pi-on-wiringpi-python/]
I used this article/blog post (linked above) as a starting-point for
the relay part of the project. It includes software written in C and
Python but I have stuck to just Python for this project. You can see
how the relay is wired-up to the Pi in the image below.
#+Caption: Wiring Diagram for the Relay Project
#+Name: wiring-diagram-relay
![Wiring Diagram Relay](attachments/wiring-diagram-relay.png)
### General Overview of Controlling Relays
- [Four Ways to Control Electronic Relays](https://makezine.com/2018/03/19/control-electronic-relays/)
This is a primer for understanding how to control relays and the
various types of relays at your disposal. The list is not exhaustive
but is enough to get you going.
- [YouTube Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58XWVDnB7Ss)
I find the guy in this video difficult to understand but he gets his
message across well enough. He explains how a relay works and how to
connect it to an *Arduino Board* and control a light bulb. If you are
not familiar with how relays work, this video should give you a good
grounding in it. /Note: This video does not use a Raspberry Pi so the
information is limited to just the relay and the light part of the
- [How to Set-up a 5v Relay](https://www.circuitbasics.com/setting-up-a-5v-relay-on-the-arduino/)
The link above focuses on using an *Arduino Board* but you can
determine what pin does what. The example in the link, also,
includes a thermistor in its set-up which does not apply to this
project. The image below is taken from the site and
highlights what each pin is.
![Relay Pins Layout](attachments/5v-relay-pins-layout.png)
- **NO (Normally Open)**: In the normally open configuration, when the
relay receives a HIGH signal the 120-240V switch closes and allows
current to flow from the C terminal to the NO terminal. A LOW signal
deactivates the relay and stops the current. So if you want the HIGH
signal to turn ON the relay, use the normally open terminal. See
/figure [[no-configuration]]/ for further information.
- **NC (Normally Closed)**: In the normally closed configuration, a HIGH
signal opens the switch and interrupts the 120-240V current. A LOW
signal closes the switch and allows current to flow from the C
terminal to the NC terminal. Therefore, if you want the HIGH signal
to turn OFF the 120-240V current, use the normally closed
terminal. See /figure [[nc-configuration]]/ for further information.
![Relay Normally Open Layout](attachments/5v-relay-normally-open-layout.png)
![Relay Normally Closed Layout](attachments/5v-relay-normally-closed-layout.png)