namespace Commands module ConsoleCommands = open System open Console.Waterworks open Console.Waterworks.Attributes open FunkyFish // This is where the "LibraryTest" functions are -- in BFLib [] [] [] [ test">] let test() = "The console is working" [] [] [] [ exit">] let exit() = System.Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode) [] [] [] [ help">] let help() = let liaison = CW_Liaison() liaison.RequestHelpDocumentation("Commands") [] [] [] [ libtest1 5 10">] let libtest1 x y = String.Format("Result: {0}" , LibraryTest1 x y) [] [] [] [ libtest2 5 10 2">] let libtest2 x y z = String.Format("Result: {0}", (LibraryTest2 x y z)) [] [] [] [ libtest3 \"Craig Oates\"">] let libtest3 name = String.Format("Result: {0}", LibraryTest3 name) // this is fine AND SWEET! let ``test 4`` = "Hi there" // this only works when you type "test-5" not ideal but better then nothing let ``test-5`` = "Hi there" // this is also fine... f# does open things up a bit more than C#... SWEET! let """test 6""" = "Hi there"