namespace Commands module ConsoleCommands = open System open Console.Waterworks open Console.Waterworks.Attributes open FunkyFish // This is where the "LibraryTest" functions are -- in BFLib [] [] [] [ test">] let test() = "The console is working" [] [] [] [ exit">] let exit() = System.Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode) [] [] [] [ help">] let help() = let liaison = CW_Liaison() liaison.RequestHelpDocumentation("Commands") [] [] [] [ libtest1 5 10">] let libtest1 x y = String.Format("Result: {0}" , LibraryTest1 x y) [] [] [] [ libtest2 5 10 2">] let libtest2 x y z = String.Format("Result: {0}", (LibraryTest2 x y z)) [] [] [] [ libtest3 \"Craig Oates\"">] let libtest3 name = String.Format("Result: {0}", LibraryTest3 name) [] [] [] [ test 1">] let ``test 1``() = "Result: Test 1 working" [] [] [] [ test 2">] let ``test-2``() = "Result: Test 2 working" // This only works when you type "test 2" not ideal but better then nothing [] [] [] [ test 3">] let """test 3""" = "Result: Test 3 working" (*This is not displayed in the help section, regardless of the attributes. It still works if you enter the command into the console, though.*) [] [] [] [ test 4">] let """test-4""" = "Result: Test 4 working" (* This only works when you type "test 4" not ideal but better then nothing. This is not displayed in the help section, regardless of the attributes. It still works if you enter the command in the console, though.*)