4 Adding Console.Waterworks to Your Project
Craig edited this page 5 years ago

While there are several ways to add a NuGet package to a project, I will keep it simple. I will show you how to add Console.Waterworks (C.W.) to your project via the Package Manager console.

To add Console.Waterworks to your .Net console project, use the following line:

// Change the version the number as you see fit.
Install-Package Console.Waterworks -Version

To add Console.Waterworks.Core to you .Net Core console project, use the following line:

// Change the version the number as you see fit.
Install-Package Console.Waterworks.Core -Version

For more information about release versions, check out their individual NuGet pages via:

If you are familiar with Visual Studio's Package Manager (G.U.I), feel free to use that instead.