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update ReadMe for GitLab port.

Craig Oates 5 years ago
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# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Page-Header.png "Header") # Summary
## About Console.Waterworks.Core Console.Waterworks.Core is the .Net **Core** version of Console.Waterworks. Both projects are NuGet packages and their main purpose is to help you write extendable command-based console programs. If you want to write a console program using the full .Net Framework, use Console.Waterworks. The link for that is as follows:
Console.Waterworks.Core is the .Net Core version of Console.Waterworks. Both projects are Nuget packages. And, their main purpose is to help you write extendable command-based console programs. If you want to write a console program using the full .Net Framework, use Console.Waterworks. - [Console.Waterworks Repository](
**[Console.Waterworks Repository](** ## Pre-Requisites
## About Documentation
In this repository, you will find instructions on how to **use** Console.Waterworks.Core. This is because the architecture and concepts between the two projects are the same. So, it felt unnecessary to repeat that part here. Instead, I will point you to the Console.Waterworks' wiki. Once there, you can explore how they are built.
Please note, the code examples used in the wiki are the **same** for both repositories. Also, the wiki's main focus is on explaining the architecture and concepts of the projects. So, you will not find a lot of code samples in it. If you want to explore the code, I recommend you start in the class called `CW_Liaison`. It is the entry point (for both projects).
**[Console.Waterworks Wiki - Artictecture Overview](**
### Pre-Requisites
To use Console.Waterworks.Core, I recommend you meet the following pre-requisites: To use Console.Waterworks.Core, I recommend you meet the following pre-requisites:
- You have experience with [C#]( - You have experience with [C#](
- You can create a [.Net console program]( in [Visual Studio 2017]( - You can create a [.Net console program]( in [Visual Studio 2017+](
- You have experience with [Nuget]( - You have experience with [NuGet](
- You have Microsoft [.Net Framework 4.7]( or higher. - You have experience with [.Net Core 2.1](
### Quick Start - Wiring Console.Waterworks.Core in to your Console Program ## Console.Waterworks.Core (Library/NuGet Package)
Before continuing... I am skipping the part about creating a .Net console program. This is because I assume you know how to do that. I am, also, assuming you are using Visual Studio 2017 and C# (not VB or F#). This is a .Net Core 2.0 library and I wrote it in C#. This is what you will add to your project when you want to add the features of this codebase into yours. To add it to your project, use the following command in your Package-Manager console (assuming Visual Studio),
1 Add Console.Waterworks.Core to your project via Nuget. You can do this using Visual Studio's (2017) Package Manager GUI. Or, you can use the Package Manager Console. Here is the command for the PM Console,
```powershell ```powershell
# Enter the version of number of your choice. // Make sure you change the version number to match the one you want.
Install-Package Console.Waterworks.Core -Version 0.1.0-alpha1 Install-Package Console.Waterworks.Core -Version
``` ```
2 Create a class called `ConsoleCommands`. It can go anywhere as long as it is in the same project as the console program. If you are using the .Net CLI, use the following command,
3 Make a note of the `ConsoleCommands` namespace.
4 Head to the `Main` method in `Program.cs` and add the following lines of code,
public static void Main(string[] args)
CW_Liaison liaison = new CW_Liaison();
liaison.Run("CW_Console", true);
5 Head back to `ConsoleCommands` and make it public and static. ```powershell
// Again, make sure you change the version number to the one you want.
6 Stay in `ConsoleCommands` and write the following method, dotnet add package Console.Waterworks.Core --version
public string Test()
return "Congratulations! It works.";
``` ```
7 Run the program and type "Test" into the console. For more information, please use the following links:
8 If all has gone well, you should see the “Congratulations! It works." message.
9 Add more methods to you console program.
### (Offline) Guides - [Console.Waterworks.Core Wiki](
- [NuGet Profile Page](
I provided a link to Console.Waterworks' Wiki as a online guide for learning about Console.Waterworks(.Core)'s architecture. With that said, I have, also, mad a couple of guides for when you are offline. The are as follows, ## CW_Core_Console
- The Quick Guide to Console.Waterworks.Core This is a .Net Core console program which provides a working example of how Console.Waterworks.Core works. You can use this as a reference to help you familiarise yourself with how to add Console.Waterworks to your project. This is written in C#.
- The Architecture Guide Console.Waterworks.Core
These guides are printer friendly. And, they are best consumed on your favourite reading chair. ## CW_Core_Tests
### Code of Conduct This is a .Net Core library which tests houses the projects unit tests. This is written in C# and uses xUnit as its testing framework/library/situation/whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
Please visit the Code of Conduct page for Console.Waterworks.Core at, ## About the Creator
- [Code of Conduct page]( Hi, my name is Craig and I'm the creator of Console.Waterworks.Core. Thanks for checking it out.
- [MIT License](
### Contributing to the Console.Waterworks.Core Repository
Please visit the Contributing page for Console.Waterworks.Core at,
- [Contributing page]( - Email: [](
- Web: [](
- Project's Site: [](
### About the Creator ## A Note about Console.Waterworks.Core Wiki
Hi, my name is Craig and I'm the creator of Console.Waterworks.Core. Thanks for checking it out. This repository's wiki focuses on how-to **use** Console.Waterworks.Core. This is because the architecture and concepts between this and its sister project (Console.Waterworks) are the same. And, it felt unnecessary to repeat what I wrote in the wiki for Console.Waterworks here. So, if you want information on how Console.Waterworks(.Core) is built, I recommend you glance over the wiki here and then head over to the main wiki at Console.Waterworks. The link for both is as follows:
- - [Console.Waterworks.Core Wiki](
- Web: [](http://www.craigoates.netk) - [Console.Waterworks Wiki](
- Project's Site: []( "Project's site") (Subject to change)