From 95546d6beed387894842adbd0dac2fc1207ade35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Craig Oates Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 20:41:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] remove all GitHub based assets. --- .../Images}/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG | Bin .../Images}/Architecture_Overview_General.png | Bin .../Images}/CW_As_Department.png | Bin .../Images}/CW_Header.png | Bin .../Images}/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif | Bin .../Images}/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png | Bin .../Images}/Department_Talk_Detail.png | Bin .../Images}/Department_Talk_Implied.png | Bin .../Images}/False_At_RunTime.JPG | Bin .../Images}/General_Flow.png | Bin .../Images}/Invalid_Input.png | Bin .../Images}/Method_Mapping.gif | Bin .../Images}/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif | Bin .../Images}/Sidebar_Logo.png | Bin .../Images}/String_Input.gif | Bin .../Images}/True_At_RunTime.JPG | Bin .../Images}/Valid_Input.png | Bin | 37 ------ | 48 ------- | 117 ----------------- | 25 ---- | 124 +++++++----------- 22 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Architecture_Overview_General.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/CW_As_Department.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/CW_Header.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Department_Talk_Detail.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Department_Talk_Implied.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/False_At_RunTime.JPG (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/General_Flow.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Invalid_Input.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Method_Mapping.gif (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Sidebar_Logo.png (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/String_Input.gif (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/True_At_RunTime.JPG (100%) rename {Documentation/GitHub_Assets => .gitlab/Images}/Valid_Input.png (100%) delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG b/.gitlab/Images/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG rename to .gitlab/Images/Adding_CW_Proj_PM.JPG diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Architecture_Overview_General.png b/.gitlab/Images/Architecture_Overview_General.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Architecture_Overview_General.png rename to .gitlab/Images/Architecture_Overview_General.png diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_As_Department.png b/.gitlab/Images/CW_As_Department.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_As_Department.png rename to .gitlab/Images/CW_As_Department.png diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png b/.gitlab/Images/CW_Header.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png rename to .gitlab/Images/CW_Header.png diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif b/.gitlab/Images/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif rename to .gitlab/Images/Command_Mirroring_At_RunTime.gif diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png b/.gitlab/Images/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png rename to .gitlab/Images/ConsoleCommands_Flow.png 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a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Invalid_Input.png b/.gitlab/Images/Invalid_Input.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Invalid_Input.png rename to .gitlab/Images/Invalid_Input.png diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping.gif b/.gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping.gif similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping.gif rename to .gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping.gif diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif b/.gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif rename to .gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Sidebar_Logo.png b/.gitlab/Images/Sidebar_Logo.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Sidebar_Logo.png rename to .gitlab/Images/Sidebar_Logo.png diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/String_Input.gif b/.gitlab/Images/String_Input.gif similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/String_Input.gif rename to .gitlab/Images/String_Input.gif diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/True_At_RunTime.JPG b/.gitlab/Images/True_At_RunTime.JPG similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/True_At_RunTime.JPG rename to .gitlab/Images/True_At_RunTime.JPG diff --git a/Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Valid_Input.png b/.gitlab/Images/Valid_Input.png similarity index 100% rename from Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Valid_Input.png rename to .gitlab/Images/Valid_Input.png diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 52a74f1..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png "Header") - -## Bug Report - -Note: Before submitting, please make sure your issue has not already been filed. You can do this at [GitHub Issues]( - -### Description - -[Description of the issue. Use images and GIFs if necessary.] - -### Steps to Reproduce - -[Use images and GIFs if necessary.] - -1. [First Step] -1. [Second Step] -1. [and so on...] - -### Expected Behaviour - -[What you expect to happen] - -### Actual Behaviour - -[What actually happens] - -### Reproduction Rate - -[What percentage of the time does it happen?] - -### Versions - -[You can get this information from using the Nuget Package Manager tools in Visual Studio/Project References.] - -### Additional Information - - [Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.] diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index ad49778..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png "Header") - -## Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct - -### Our Pledge - -In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. - -### Our Standards - -Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include: - -* Using welcoming and inclusive language -* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences -* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism -* Focusing on what is best for the community -* Showing empathy towards other community members - -Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: - -* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances -* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks -* Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting - -### Our Responsibilities - -Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. - -Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. - -### Scope - -This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers. - -### Enforcement - -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. - -Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership. - -### Attribution - -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [][version] - -[homepage]: -[version]: diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 578427c..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png "Header") - -## Contributing to Console.Waterworks - -Let me begin by saying thank you for stopping by and checking out Console.Waterworks. - -The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Console.Waterworks. I must stress, though, they are guidelines and nothing more. They are not set in stone. Please feel free to use your own judgement when contributing. - -### Code of Conduct - -The [Console.Waterworks Code of Conduct]( governs every participant of this project. If you decide to take part in developing and cultivating the project, the expectation is you adhere to it. - -Please report any unacceptable behaviour to - -### The Creator's Expectations for Console.Waterworks - -To those who do not know, Console.Waterworks is the creation of Craig Oates (A.K.A. [me]( I am a person, like you, and I argue it is important you know a bit about me. The reason why this is important is because it will help you gauge if this project is for you. I do not want you to feel frustrated when working on Console.Waterworks due to people problems. I know I cannot foresee every problem and counteract it. But, I can let you know the type of person I am and what I expect from the project. This will help you gauge the likelihood of us having conflicting personalities. And, it will highlight any differences in perspectives sooner -- if all goes as intended. - -If it does look like we have a miss-match at the person level, I would like to take a moment and say one thing. It is okay -- we do not all think alike. You will face no hard feelings from me and I have no problem with you forking the code. If you do, I wish you the best of luck. And, do not feel like you cannot contact me and show me your weird and wonderful concoction. - -Now back to the project stuff... - -From my point-of-view, I am not in a rush to turn Console.Waterworks into a jack-of-trades thing. I would like to keep the scope of it as a simple "plumbing code" Nuget package. That does not mean I am against adding any new features, though. Because of this, I ask you to expect a conservative mind-set. - -Before moving on, I would like to reiterate a point from above. You will not receive any ill-will from me if our goals do not align. It is okay to disagree. I am well aware one persons "done" is another person’s starting point. - -### "I don't want to read this, I want to ask a quick question" - -The easiest and faster way to contact me is via email. Which is I do not recommend filling an issue because of this. - -### "What Should I Know Before I Get Started?" - -Before you jump in, I recommend you read [The Complete Guide to Console.Waterworks]( Console.Waterworks is not the most expansive or complex piece of code on the planet. But, it does have its own quirks and behaviours. I have tried to make it as modular and as easy to read as possible. But, it still has a reasonable amount of complexity to it. So, please read the guide. - -### "How Can I Contribute?" - -You can contribute to the project in several ways. The obvious two ways are [filing issues]( and sending [pull requests]( You can, also, contribute by sending me an email. Although, the last one is not as open as the previous two. It is still an effective route to take if you want to discuss something at length. My email address is - -#### Reporting Bugs - -I track bugs using [GitHub Issues]( If you find one, fill out the template provided and file an issue. - -- [Bug Report Template]( - -When you file a bug report, do not hold back with the details. The more information I have, the chance of me fixing it increases. - -#### Suggesting Enhancements - -You might have read [The Creator's Expectations]( above... If you have, you will know I hold a conservative attitude for adding features. With that said, I am not against adding new features -- stated above as well. If you believe your suggestion has some merit, please feel free to submit it. I am more than happy to discuss your plan. Please, do not feel offended if your suggestion does not get added to the project, though. That is not my intension. - -#### "How do I Submit an Enhancement Suggestion?" - -You can submit an enhancement suggestion via [GitHub Issues]( Before you do, here is a list of things to consider when submitting an enhancement suggestion. - -- Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to help identify the suggestion. -- Describe your enhancement in a brief summary. Aim to be as clear as possible. -- Highlight the area where this enhancement will improve Console.Waterworks. -- Provide a summary of how you intend to add your suggestion. -- If you have any step-by-step instructions, include them. -- Include any code snippets you think will help explain your points better. You can provide either links to an external source or include them as markdown blocks. -- Include screenshots and animated GIFs. They will help me understand your proposal better. It will, also, help explain where it will fit into Console.Waterworks. -- You can use [Licecap]( to help you record GIFs. It is available on Windows and MacOS. If you are on Linux, you can use [Silentcast]( or [Byzanz]( They are, also, GIF recording programs. -- Explain why this suggestion will be useful for most consumers of Console.Waterworks. I ask you to do this because it is one thing to work on Console.Waterworks and another to use it as a Nuget package. -- List any other examples of your suggestion in a working context. Also, highlight the benefit it has brought to that codebase. - -I have decided not to include a template here because writing proposals can be a messy and tricky affair. They can be the rally call to the great unknown or a meticulous path to paradise. Each approach has its place in this world and I aim to keep it that way. With that said, try to keep your suggestion as clear and concise as possible. I ask this because -- to be frank -- if I do not understand your suggestion how can I agree to include it? - -#### Pull Requests - -Before submitting a pull request, I must stress the importance of talking to me first. I do not want you spending hours of your time writing code for Console.Waterworks to then face rejection. Your time is not my time and I would like to avoid wasting either of ours if I can help it. If there is something you would like to add to Console.Waterworks, you can do two things. The first is email me ( and talk about your plans. This is the quickest way for you to find out if your idea is worth pursuing. The second thing you can do is send an [enhancement suggestion]( via GitHub Issues and hold the discussion there. This will result in a slower response but the conversation will be in the open. If you decide to file a suggestion, make sure you have read "Suggesting Enhancements", above. - -Now back to the pull requests... - -Here is a list of things to consider when submitting a pull request: - -- Fill in the [Pull Requests Template]( -- Do not include issue numbers in the pull request title. -- Include screenshots and animated GIFs in your pull request whenever possible. -- Follow the C# and Code Comments style guides. -- Describe how you intend to add the code into the project's documentation. - -### Style Guides - -As the title of this section implies, the following pertains to a collection of guides and not rules. With that said, I ask you to adhere to them as best as you can. Doing so, you will make my life easier. It will, also, mean you will have a faster response from me -- less work for me to work through. If you feel like you need to break away from these guides, please do so with care and caution. - -#### Git Commit Messages - -- Limit the first line to 72 charters or less. -- Reference issues and pull requests after the first line. -- When changing documentation and nothing else, include "[Doc-update]" in the pull request title. -- I am not against the inclusion of the odd emoji but go easy on the amount you use. -- Use past tense (E.G. "Added feature X" not "Add feature X" or "Adding feature X"). -- Aim to keep the message list-like until the end. From there, include any extra information in standard prose. -- Try to keep everything as clear and concise as possible. - -#### C# (C-Sharp) - -Aim to adhere to the standard C# coding conventions. If you are working in Visual Studio, the automatic formatting should suffice. - -I have tried to reduce the inclusion of comments to public facing and "messy" code. This is due -- for the most part -- to intelliSense. It provides the user of Console.Waterworks with help when wiring it up to their console program. With that said, what makes sense to me does not mean it does for you. So, if you feel like something needs further explanation, please add a comment. I would prefer it is comments aimed to explain the "why" and not the "how" or "what". But, this preference is a starting point and not an absolute. If you add a comment, please use XML-Comments for public code and standard comments for private code. I am not fussed if you use one multi-line comment or several inline ones. - -- [C# Coding Conventions]( -- [C# Documentation Comments]( - -### Even more Notes - -If you would like to contribute to the project, thank you. Before you do, though, please make sure no one has already provided what you are offering. I am yet to come across someone with a liking for processing repeated issues, points or mistakes. And, I doubt I ever will, so please check. I appreciate all efforts by those checking to see if what they are saying is something new. - -Do not feel put-off if I am slow to respond. I will read what you have to say but I am not at my desk all the time. On top of that, I encourage you to refrain from instant replies if you can help it. This allows me to consider what you have said without feeling pressured. I do not want to waste your time by retracting a hasty and ill-thought-through response. - -And with that... - -Do not feel like you need to reply back as fast as possible. If you feel the need to ponder something, do so. I am under the impression a good answer is better than a quick one. If you still feel bad for not replying as fast as possible, I have a piece of advice: Let me know you have received the communication (email, issue comment Etc.) and state you are thinking about it -- job's a goodun. - -Last but not least... - -I will not tolerate anyone acting like an "arsehole". I put Console.Waterworks on GitHub to help others. It is a nice thing to do. I owe you nothing and you owe me nothing. The same applies to everyone participating here. There is no need for any heated behaviour. So, with that said, welcome to Console.Waterworks and thanks again for contributing. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 64fd444..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png "Header") - -## Pull Request - -Note: Filling out the template is required. Any pull request which does not include enough information to be reviewed in a timely manner may be closed at the maintainers' discretion. - -### Description of the Change - -[TO DELETE] Aim to be as clear and concise as possible here. Use illustrations and gifs if you believe it will help explain your point. - -### Significant Design Changes - -[TO DELETE] If your pull request alters the design of the code in a significant manner, please state here what the changes are. If the changes are minor, feel free you include them in the description above. Do statement there is no major changes, though, for clarity. - -### Benefits - -[TO DELETE] List out the benefits. Aim to keep them short and to the point. - -### Possible (Immediate) Drawbacks - -[TO DELETE] List out any drawbacks your pull request introduces to the project. If you feel is necessary, elaborate as much as you can to help explain the drawbacks with accepting the pull request. - -### Foreseen Issues - -[TO DELETE] If you can foresee a problem **beyond** this pull request, use this section to highlight them. This will help determine the steps beyond the pull request, if any need to be taken. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 3fb9d4c..825576e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,37 +1,40 @@ -# ![Logo](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/CW_Header.png "Header") +# Summary -## About Console.Waterworks +Console.Waterworks is a NuGet package. It aim is to help you write extendable and command-based console programs in C# and .Net. -Console.Waterworks is a Nuget package. It aim is to help you write extendable and command-based console programs in C# and .Net. -One of the main struggles with writing software is the need to write "plumbing code". It is the code which does not solve the main problem but it is necessary for us to reach a solution. This is why we all feel frustrated when we need to write it. It feels like we are going the long way round to that dream holiday in the sun. This is why I created Console.Waterworks. I believe we should face frustration when it finds us and only then. Why go looking for it? +Amongst other things, Console.Waterworks allows you to write (command-)methods which become run-time commands. Console.Waterworks, also, parses end-user input for you and handles bad input and method parameters too. -Amongst other things, Console.Waterworks has this one very handy trick. It allows you to write methods which become a run-time command -- which is quite the time saver. When you use Console.Waterworks, you, also, do not need to parse end-user input. The reason why is because Console.Waterworks does it for you. This means, when people run your program, they type the method name in and your code begins excuting. On top of that, Console.Waterworks handles bad input and method parameters, as well. +If none of what I just said made no sense, hopefully the images below will help explain what Console.Waterwork is and how it works. -Do not panic if none of what I just said made no sense. I threw a lot of information at you in a short span of time. It is okay and not unexpected. Because of this, I have prepared several images showing Console.Waterworks in action. Please feel free to check it out. It should help explain what Console.Waterwork is and how it works. +**Good Input Data Flow** -### Good Input Data Flow +![Example 1](.gitlab/Images/Valid_Input.png "Valid input diagram") -![Example 1](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Valid_Input.png "Valid input diagram") +**Bad Input Data Flow** -### Bad Input Data Flow - -![Example 3](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Invalid_Input.png "Invalid input diagram") +![Example 3](.gitlab/Images/Invalid_Input.png "Invalid input diagram") --- -### Code Example - Good Input +**Code Example - Good Input** + +![Example 2](.gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping.gif "Method mapping example -- valid") + +**Code Example - Bad Input** -![Example 2](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping.gif "Method mapping example -- valid") +![Example 4](.gitlab/Images/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif "Method mapping example -- invalid") -### Code Example - Bad Input +Within this repository is three projects within one Visual Studio solution. Those projects are as follows: -![Example 4](Documentation/GitHub_Assets/Method_Mapping_Invalid.gif "Method mapping example -- invalid") +1. Console.Waterworks +2. CW_Console +3. CW_Tests -### Disclaimer +## Disclaimer Console.Waterworks is based on the [ConsoleApplicationBase]( "ConsoleApplicationBase GitHub Repository") repository by [TypecastException]( "TypecastException's GitHub Profile"). -### Pre-Requisites +## Pre-Requisites To use Console.Waterworks, I recommend you meet the following pre-requisites: @@ -40,85 +43,48 @@ To use Console.Waterworks, I recommend you meet the following pre-requisites: - You have experience with [Nuget]( - You have Microsoft [.Net Framework 4.7]( or higher. -### Quick Start - Wiring Console.Waterworks in to your Console Program +## Console.Waterworks (Library/NuGet Package) -Before continuing... I am skipping the part about creating a .Net console program. This is because I assume you know how to do that. I am, also, assuming you are using Visual Studio 2017 and C# (not VB or F#). - -1 Add Console.Waterworks to your project via Nuget. You can do this using Visual Studio's (2017) Package Manager GUI. Or, you can use the Package Manager Console. Here is the command for the PM Console, +This is a traditional .Net 4.7 library I wrote in C#. This is what you will add to your project when you want to add the features of this codebase into yours. To add it to your project, use the following command in your Package-Manager console (assuming Visual Studio), ```powershell -# Enter the version of number of your choice. -Install-Package Console.Waterworks -Version 0.1.0-alpha1 +// Make sure you change the version number to match the one you want. +Install-Package Console.Waterworks -Version ``` -2 Create a class called `ConsoleCommands`. It can go anywhere as long as it is in the same project as the console program. - -3 Make a note of the `ConsoleCommands` namespace. - -4 Head to the `Main` method in `Program.cs` and add the following lines of code, +If you are using the .Net CLI, use the following command, -```c# -public static void Main(string[] args) -{ - CW_Liaison liaison = new CW_Liaison(); - liaison.Run("CW_Console", true); -} -``` - -5 Head back to `ConsoleCommands` and make it public and static. - -6 Stay in `ConsoleCommands` and write the following method, - -```c# -public string Test() -{ - return "Congratulations! It works."; -} +```powershell +// Again, make sure you change the version number to the one you want. +dotnet add package Console.Waterworks --version ``` -7 Run the program and type "Test" into the console. +For more information, please use the following links: -8 If all has gone well, you should see the “Congratulations! It works." message. +- [Console.Waterworks Wiki]( +- [NuGet Profile Page]( -9 Add more methods to you console program. +## CW_Console -### Guides +This is a traditional .Net console program which provides a working example of how Console.Waterworks works. You can use this as a reference to help you familiarise yourself with how to add Console.Waterworks to your project. This is written in C#. -There are several guides for Console.Waterworks and in various forms. I am hopeful you will find at least one of them helpful. +## CW_Core_Tests -#### Offline +This is a .Net Core library which tests houses the projects unit tests. This is written in C# and uses xUnit as its testing framework/library/situation/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. -I have created a guided for offline usage: +## About the Creator -- The Complete Guide to Console.Waterworks - -This guide is printer friendly. And, it is best consumed on your favourite reading chair. - -#### Online - -For those sitting at their computer and connected to the world-wide web, there is a Wiki: - -- [GitHub Wiki]( - -This guide aims to be a concise as possible. It assumes you are sitting at your desk and wanting the quick answer -- not the full answer. - -### Code of Conduct - -Please visit the Code of Conduct page for Console.Waterworks at, - -- [Code of Conduct page]( -- [MIT License]( - -### Contributing to the Console.Waterworks Repository +Hi, my name is Craig and I'm the creator of Console.Waterworks. Thanks for checking it out. -Please visit the Contributing page for Console.Waterworks at, +- Email: []( +- Web: []( +- Project's Site: []( -- [Contributing page]( +## A Note About Console.Waterworks.Core -### About the Creator +When I started this project, the .Net Framework was its infancy with its switch to .Net Core. Because of this, I created a separate .Net Core version of this project for those wanting to use it with Core. If you decide to use the Core version, you will find it operates the exact same way as this one. So, learning how one works means you know how to use both. This is why the I have reduced the wiki for the Console.Waterworks.Core wiki to basic guidance on how to **use** it. If you want to know how the projects are built, you will need to use **this** repository's wiki. -Hi, my name is Craig and I'm the creator of Console.Waterworks. Thanks for checking it out. +If you are interested in using Console.Waterworks.Core, you can use the following links: -- -- Web: []( -- Project's Site: []( +- [Console.Waterworks.Core Repository]( +- [Console.Waterworks.Core Wiki]( \ No newline at end of file