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Updated the CW_Console demo command-methods.

Removed "Command'X'" naming convention.
Added basis verb-like naming convention.
I changed the naming convention and altered the commands offered to make the console program demonstrate more realistic scenarios. They are still very basic, however.
Craig Oates 7 years ago
  1. 58


@ -21,34 +21,28 @@ namespace CW_Console
[Description("Outputs to the console the command has been completed.")]
[Description("Outputs a message indicating this programis running okay.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> Command1")]
public static string Command1() => "Command1 has completed";
[Usage("CW_Console> Test")]
public static string Test() => "Test complete.";
[Description("Repeats back to the user the string they entered.")]
[Parameters("<string> input")]
[Usage("CW_Console> Command2 \"Hello, World.\"")]
public static string Command2(string input) => $"Command2 has completed... {input} was entered";
[Usage("CW_Console> Say \"Hello, World.\"")]
public static string Say(string input) => $"{input}";
[Description("Repeats back to the user what int they entered.")]
[Parameters("<int> int1")]
[Usage("CW_Console> Command3 31")]
public static string Command3(int input) => $"Command3 has completed... The number {input} was entered";
[Description("Displays the date and time at the moment the command is entered")]
[Usage("CW_Console> GetDate")]
public static string GetDate() => $"{DateTime.Now}";
[Description("Takes the two ints and adds them together.")]
[Parameters("<int> int, <int> int2")]
[Usage("CW_Console> Command4 31 10")]
public static string Command4(int int1, int int2) => $"Command4 has completed... {int1} and {int2} was entered and make {int1 + int2} when added together";
[Description("Take the int and double and adds them together.")]
[Parameters("<int> int1, <double1> double1")]
[Usage("CW_Console> Command5 31 25.4")]
public static string Command5(int int1, double double1) => $"Command5 has completed... {int1} and {double1} was entered and make {int1 + double1} when added together";
[Usage("CW_Console> Add 31 10")]
public static string Add(int int1, int int2) => $"{int1} + {int2} = {int1 + int2}";
[Description("Terminates the program.")]
@ -72,34 +66,28 @@ namespace CW_Console
[ListCommand(false)] // change to true or delete "false" for it to show at run-time.
[Description("Alias for Command1. See Command1 for details.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> c1")]
public static string c1() => Command1();
[Description("Alias for Command2. See Command2 for details.")]
[Description("Alias for \"Test\". See \"Test\" for details.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> c2 \"Hello, World.\"")]
public static string c2(string input) => Command2(input);
[Usage("CW_Console> test")]
public static string test() => Test();
[Description("Alias for Command3. See Command3 for details.")]
[Description("Alias for \"Say\". See \"Say\" for details.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> c3 78")]
public static string c3(int input) => Command3(input);
[Usage("CW_Console> say \"Hello, World.\"")]
public static string say(string input) => Say(input);
[Description("Alias for Command4. See Command4 for details.")]
[Description("Alias for \"GetDate\". See \"GetDate\" for details.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> c4 24 67")]
public static string c4(int int1, int int2) => Command4(int1, int2);
[Usage("CW_Console> date")]
public static string date() => GetDate();
[Description("Alias for Command5. See Command5 for details.")]
[Description("Alias for \"Add\". See \"Add\" for details.")]
[Usage("CW_Console> c5 12 46.3")]
public static string c5(int int1, double double1) => Command5(int1, double1);
[Usage("CW_Console> add 24 67")]
public static string add(int int1, int int2) => Add(int1, int2);
[Description("Alias for Quit. See Quit for details.")]
