create Wiring C.W. into Your Pro.

Craig Oates 5 years ago
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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ Because it is port of this project, its wiki focuses on how to **use** it as a N
- [NuGet Home](NuGet-Home)
- [Console.Waterworks Overview](Console.Waterworks-Overview)
- [Adding Console.Waterworks to Your Project](Adding-Console.Waterworks-to-Your-Project)
- [Wiring Console.Waterworks into Your Project](Wiring-Console.Waterworks-into-Your-Project)
- [Overview of Command-Methods](Overview-of-Command-Methods)
- [Writing Command-Methods](Writing-Command-Methods)
- [Using the Help Attributes](Using-the-Help-Attributes)


@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ If you are wanting to work with the .Net Core version or use C.W. with F#, use t
- [Console.Waterworks Overview](Console.Waterworks-Overview)
- [Adding Console.Waterworks to Your Project](Adding-Console.Waterworks-to-Your-Project)
- [Wiring Console.Waterworks into Your Project](Wiring-Console.Waterworks-into-Your-Project)
- [Overview of Command-Methods](Overview-of-Command-Methods)
- [Writing Command-Methods](Writing-Command-Methods)
- [Using the Help Attributes](Using-the-Help-Attributes)


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
This section assumes you have already added Console.Waterworks (C.W.) to your project. If you have not, please review the following page:
- [Adding Console.Waterworks to Your Project](Adding-Console.Waterworks-to-Your-Project)
Once you have added C.W. to your console project, you can begin using it. One thing to note with C.W. is how invasive it is. Because it has taken a lot out of your hands, it requires your project to look a certain way. The first thing you need to do is create a file called "ConsoleCommands.cs". When you have done that, make a note of the file/classes name-space -- you will need it in a little bit. When you have done that, head over to the `Main` method in "Program.cs" and enter the following code into it,
// Do not forget change the ConsoleCommands name-space in Run.
var liaison = new CW_Liaison();
After you have done that, Visual Studio should start complaining about *using statement* This means you will need to add the following line of code with your other using statements,
// Place with your other using statements in Program.cs.
using Console.Waterworks
Overall, your Program.cs should look similar to the code below,
using Console.Waterworks;
using System;
namespace CW_Console // This will differ in your project.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var liaison = new CW_Liaison();
liaison.Run("CW_Console", true);
**You might need to decorate you `Main` function with the `[STAThread]` attribute. If Visual Studio starts complaining about "single-threaded/async. problems", add the `[STAThread]` attribute above your `Main` method.That should fix the problem.**
When that is done, head back to ConsoleCommands.cs and you can begin adding your first command-method. I will not go into too much detail about command-methods just yet. The focus of this page is to get you set-up.
The first thing you need to do is make sure the `ConsoleCommands` class is marked as `public` and `static`. After that, enter the following method to your class,
public static string Test()
return "Test complete."
When you have done that, your ConsoleCommands.cs file should look similar to the following code snippet,
using System;
using Console.Waterworks;
namespace CW_Console // This will be different to yours.
public static class ConsoleCommands
public static string Test()
return "Test complete."
If all has gone well, your program should run (press F5) and when you enter "Test" into the console, you should see something similar to the image below.
![successful c.w. set-up screenshot](attachments/method-mapping.gif)
Within the `Main` function is a method called `Run`, which takes two arguments. The first is the name-space of the `ConsoleCommands` class and the second one is a `bool`. In the example above, I have used `true` but I could have used `false` if I wanted. The reason I used `true` is because I prefer my console programs to display its assembly information when I run it. If you prefer just the prompt, change the `true` variable to `false`. If all has gone well, you should see something similar to the screenshots below.
**Console program, displaying its assembly information.**
![assembly info screenshot](attachments/assembly-info-screenshot.png)
**Console program, displaying just the prompt.**
![no assembly info screenshot](attachments/no-assembly-info-screenshot.png)
I will not go into too much detail about changing a project's assembly information because there is already an amble amount of information on the subject. Instead, I will provide the following links to get to started:
- [Setting Assembly Attributes]( This applies to the traditional and Core versions of .Net. It provides information on what resides in Assembly Information manifests and files.
- [How to Target a version of .Net]( This provides extra context on the Properties page in Visual Studio and how it fits the Assembly Information dialog box into it -- from a traditional .Net angle.
The easiest way to get to the Assembly Information dialog box is as follows:
1. In "Solution Explorer", open the *right-click* menu on the project (I.E. your console project) you want to change, and then choose "Properties".
2. In the left column of the "Properties" window, *left-click* the "Application" tab.
3. *Left-click* the button labelled "Assembly Information".


@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- [NuGet Home](NuGet-Home)
- [Console.Waterworks Overview](Console.Waterworks-Overview)
- [Adding Console.Waterworks to Your Project](Adding-Console.Waterworks-to-Your-Project)
- [Wiring Console.Waterworks into Your Project](Wiring-Console.Waterworks-into-Your-Project)
- [Overview of Command-Methods](Overview-of-Command-Methods)
- [Writing Command-Methods](Writing-Command-Methods)
- [Using the Help Attributes](Using-the-Help-Attributes)
