Craig Oates 5 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 45
  3. 88
  4. 6
  5. 19
  6. 67


@ -94,4 +94,12 @@
/// The number of rows the grid will have.
rows: int
///The number of columns the grid will have.
columns: int }
columns: int }
/// Discriminated Union representing the various specification types
/// Death Socket can use to apply a grid to an image.
type ImageSpec =
| Brush of BrushSpec
| RGBA of RGBASpec
| Skia of SkiaSpec
| SkiaRGB of SkiaRGBSpec


@ -15,6 +15,46 @@ namespace DeathSocket
open Validation
open ImageServices
open System
/// <summary>
/// Uses the information included in spec to create a gridded image.
/// It then asynchronously saves it. Uses .jpg or .png formats only.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spec">
/// The specification used to generate the new gridded image. The
/// ImageSpec is a discriminated union, consisting of a Brush, RGBA,
/// Skia or SkiaRGB spec.
/// </param>
/// <exeption cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException">
/// If the file the grid is being applied to cannot be found,
/// a FileNotFoundException will be thrown.
/// </exception>
/// <remarks
/// Make sure the image, which is having the overlay added to it,
/// is not in use or needed by another program/process.
/// This is because it is locked whilst in this function.
/// </remarks>
let applyGridToImageAsync (spec: ImageSpec) =
async {
match spec with
| Brush b ->
validateIO b.originalPath b.savePath |> ignore
drawBrushSpecGrid b
| RGBA r ->
validateIO r.originalPath r.savePath |> ignore
drawRGBAGrid r
| Skia s ->
validateIO s.originalPath s.savePath |> ignore
drawSkiaGrid s
| SkiaRGB sR ->
validateIO sR.originalPath sR.savePath |> ignore
drawSkiaRGBGrid sR
| :? FileNotFoundException as ex ->
printfn "File could not be found at %s" ex.Message
// System.Drawing Functions
// ========================================================================
@ -62,6 +102,7 @@ namespace DeathSocket
/// is not in use or needed by another program/process.
/// This is because it is locked whilst in this function.
/// </remarks>
[<Obsolete("Method is deprecated, use applyGridToImage instead.")>]
let applyBrushSpecGridAsync (spec: BrushSpec) =
async {
@ -90,6 +131,7 @@ namespace DeathSocket
/// is not in use or needed by another program/process.
/// This is because it is locked whilst in this function.
/// </remarks>
[<Obsolete("Method is deprecated, use applyGridToImage instead.")>]
let applyRGBAGridAsync (spec: RGBASpec) =
async {
@ -162,7 +204,6 @@ namespace DeathSocket
let determineSKVerticalLines (width: int) (height: int) (columns: int) =
createSKVerticalLines width height columns
/// <summary>
/// Uses the information included in spec to create a gridded image.
/// It then asynchronously saves it. Uses .jpg or .png formats only.
@ -178,6 +219,7 @@ namespace DeathSocket
/// is not in use or needed by another program/process.
/// This is because it is locked whilst in this function.
/// </remarks>
[<Obsolete("Method is deprecated, use applyGridToImage instead.")>]
let applySkiaGridAsync (spec: SkiaSpec) =
async {
@ -204,6 +246,7 @@ namespace DeathSocket
/// is not in use or needed by another program/process.
/// This is because it is locked whilst in this function.
/// </remarks>
[<Obsolete("Method is deprecated, use applyGridToImage instead.")>]
let applySkiaRGBGridAsync (spec: SkiaRGBSpec) =
async {


@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#r @"C:\Users\craig\.nuget\packages\skiasharp\1.60.3\lib\netstandard1.3\SkiaSharp.dll"
#r @"C:\Users\craig\.nuget\packages\skiasharp\1.60.3\lib\net45\SkiaSharp.dll"
// These two paths need adjusting to match your computer.
#r @"C:/Users/craig/.nuget/packages/skiasharp/1.60.3/lib/netstandard1.3/SkiaSharp.dll"
#r @"C:/Users/craig/.nuget/packages/skiasharp/1.60.3/lib/net45/SkiaSharp.dll"
#load "Domain.fs"
#load "Validation.fs"
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ open System
open DeathSocket
open Validation
open ImageServices
open SkiaSharp
(* Death Socket Scripts
@ -21,36 +24,63 @@ a nerw image. *)
let desktop = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
(* You will need to provide the image at the location specified. It will throw
an exception if the file cannnot be found.*)
let validationTest = validateFilePath (desktop + "/test.jpg")
(* You will need to provide the image at the location specified. Both throw an
exception if the file cannot be found or is the wrong extension. Death Socket
only works with JPG and PNG.*)
let IOTest = validateFilePath (desktop + "/test.jpg")
let extentionTest = validateSaveFileType (desktop + "/test.jpg")
(* These are not needed to create an image. There here for you to check the
start and end points of each pen stroke/path. *)
(* These are not needed by you to create an image. They here for you to check
the start and end points of each pen stroke/path. *)
let horizontalLines = createHorizontalLines 1000 500 10
let verticalLines = createVerticalLines 300 600 10
let skHorizontalLines = createSKHorizontalLines 550 520 10
let skVerticalLines = createSKVerticalLines 120 450 22
(* You will need to provide the image and specify its load/save location.
Death Socket assumes either JPEG or PNG files so use other files at your own
risk. Cannot guarantee they will work. Also, either in this spec. can be
changed to suit your needs. *)
let spec: BrushSpec =
{ originalPath = desktop + "/test.jpg"
savePath = desktop + "/grid.png"
colour = Brushes.Chartreuse
penWidth = (float32 1)
rows = 10
columns = 10 }
// Run this when you have finished building the spec.
GridPainter.applyBrushSpecGridAsync spec |> Async.RunSynchronously
(* Skia Sharp Draft
The code below here will eventually be worked into the main codebase or thrown
away. It is here acting as a first draft for integrating the Skia Sharp NuGet
package into Death Socket. *)
Death Socket assumes either JPEG or PNG files.*)
// Brush Specification (uses System.Drawing)
Brush ({ originalPath = desktop + "/test.jpg"
savePath = desktop + "/grid.png"
colour = Brushes.Chartreuse
penWidth = (float32 1)
rows = 10
columns = 10 })
|> GridPainter.applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
// RGBA Specification (uses System.Drawing)
RGBA ({ originalPath = desktop + "/test.jpg"
savePath = desktop + "/grid.png"
alpha = float 1
red = float 122
green = float 222
blue = float 100
penWidth = (float32 1)
rows = 10
columns = 10 })
|> GridPainter.applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
// Skia Specification (uses SkiaSharp -- use with Xamarin)
Skia ({ originalPath = desktop + "/test.jpg"
savePath = desktop + "/grid.png"
skColour = SKColors.BlueViolet
penWidth = (float32 1)
rows = 10
columns = 10})
|> GridPainter.applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
// SkiaRGB Specification (uses SkiaSharp -- use with Xamarin)
SkiaRGB ({ originalPath = desktop + "/test.jpg"
savePath = desktop + "/grid.png"
red = (float32 102)
green = (float32 124)
blue = (float32 224)
penWidth = (float32 1)
rows = 10
columns = 10})
|> GridPainter.applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start


@ -13,4 +13,8 @@
| ".JPG" -> ()
| ".png" -> ()
| ".PNG" -> ()
| _ -> invalidArg "savePath" "The file type must be a .jpg or .png file."
| _ -> invalidArg "savePath" "The file type must be a .jpg or .png file."
let validateIO iPath oPath =
validateFilePath iPath
validateSaveFileType oPath


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
open System.IO
open Console.Waterworks
open Console.Waterworks.Attributes
open DeathSocket.Domain
let showEndOfCommandMessage = "[INFO.] Task completed."
@ -38,8 +39,8 @@
let ``add-default`` imgPath newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding default grid to image..."
buildDefaultSpec imgPath newPath
|> applyBrushSpecGridAsync
Brush (buildDefaultSpec imgPath newPath)
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@
let ``add-grid`` imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding grid to image..."
buildSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath
|> applyBrushSpecGridAsync
Brush (buildSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath)
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
let ag imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath =
``add-grid`` imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath
let lc () =``list-colours`` ()
let lc () = ``list-colours`` ()
(* SkiaSharp Command-Methods -- NOT FOR MASS CONSUMPTION
@ -110,14 +111,14 @@
let``add-skia-grid`` imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding SkiaSharp grid to image..."
buildSkiaSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath
|> applySkiaGridAsync
Skia (buildSkiaSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath)
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start
let``add-skia-rgb-grid`` imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth r g b newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding SkiaSharp grid to image..."
buildSkiaRGBSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth r g b newPath
|> applySkiaRGBGridAsync
SkiaRGB (buildSkiaRGBSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth r g b newPath)
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.Start


@ -105,7 +105,6 @@
open DeathSocket.GridPainter
open TestingHelpers
open System.IO
open SkiaSharp
(* With regards to the "saving images" tests, you should end up with
one image left over in the SavingTestArea folder. Comment out the
@ -117,13 +116,13 @@
resetSavingTestArea ()
let oPath = generateLoadPath ()
let sPath = generateSavePath oPath
{ originalPath = oPath
savePath = sPath
colour = randomBrush () :?> Brush
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = 10
columns = 10 }
|> applyBrushSpecGridAsync
Brush ({ originalPath = oPath
savePath = sPath
colour = randomBrush () :?> Brush
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = 10
columns = 10 })
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.RunSynchronously
(File.Exists sPath) = true
@ -132,16 +131,16 @@
resetSavingTestArea ()
let oPath = generateLoadPath ()
let sPath = generateSavePath oPath
{ originalPath = oPath
savePath = sPath
alpha = float (newRGBANum ())
red = float (newRGBANum ())
green = float (newRGBANum ())
blue = float (newRGBANum ())
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = 10
columns = 10 }
|> applyRGBAGridAsync
RGBA ({ originalPath = oPath
savePath = sPath
alpha = float (newRGBANum ())
red = float (newRGBANum ())
green = float (newRGBANum ())
blue = float (newRGBANum ())
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = 10
columns = 10 })
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.RunSynchronously
(File.Exists sPath) = true
@ -181,13 +180,13 @@
let oPath = generateLoadPath ()
let sPath = generateSavePath oPath
{ originalPath = oPath
savePath= sPath
skColour = randomSKColour ()
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = newNum ()
columns = newNum () }
|> applySkiaGridAsync
Skia ({ originalPath = oPath
savePath= sPath
skColour = randomSKColour ()
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = newNum ()
columns = newNum () })
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.RunSynchronously
(File.Exists sPath) = true
@ -196,15 +195,15 @@
let oPath = generateLoadPath ()
let sPath = generateSavePath oPath
{ originalPath = oPath
savePath= sPath
red = float32 (newRGBANum ())
green = float32 (newRGBANum ())
blue = float32 (newRGBANum ())
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = newNum ()
columns = newNum () }
|> applySkiaRGBGridAsync
SkiaRGB ({ originalPath = oPath
savePath= sPath
red = float32 (newRGBANum ())
green = float32 (newRGBANum ())
blue = float32 (newRGBANum ())
penWidth = float32 (newPenWidth())
rows = newNum ()
columns = newNum () })
|> applyGridToImageAsync
|> Async.RunSynchronously
(File.Exists sPath) = true
