Death Socket consists of three projects. They are a .Net Standard 2.0 library, a console program and a Test Centre. The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to add grids to images.
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module internal ImagePrep
open System.IO
open DeathSocket
open SkiaSharp
open System.Drawing
let determineLongestDimension pDims aDims =
let width = (fst pDims) - (fst aDims)
let height = (snd pDims) - (snd aDims)
match width > height with
| true -> Width
| false -> Height
let determineImageScale pDimension aDimension =
(double aDimension) / (double pDimension)
let determineLineScale (lineWidth: double) (scale: double) =
lineWidth / scale
let adjustLineThickness pDimensions aDimensions lineWidth =
match (determineLongestDimension pDimensions aDimensions) with
| Width ->
let thickness =
determineImageScale (fst pDimensions) (fst aDimensions)
|> determineLineScale lineWidth
| Height ->
let thickness =
determineImageScale (snd pDimensions) (snd aDimensions)
|> determineLineScale lineWidth
let createSKHorizontalLines width height rows =
let interval = float32 (height / rows)
[|for point in 1 .. (rows - 1) ->
[| SKPoint ((float32 0), (interval * (float32 point)))
SKPoint ((float32 width), (interval * (float32 point)))|]|]
let createSKVerticalLines width height columns =
let interval = float32 (width / columns)
[| for point in 1 .. (columns - 1) ->
[| SKPoint ((interval * (float32 point)), (float32 0))
SKPoint ((interval * (float32 point)), (float32 height))|]|]
let determineSkiaDimensions filePath =
use fileStream = File.Open (filePath, FileMode.Open)
use skStream = new SKManagedStream (fileStream)
use bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode (skStream)
(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height)
let createHorizontalLines width height rows =
let interval = height / rows
[| for point in 1 .. (rows - 1) ->
[|Point (0, (interval * point))
Point (width, (interval * point) )|]|]
let createVerticalLines width height columns =
let interval = width / columns
[| for point in 1 .. (columns - 1) ->
[| Point ((interval * point), 0)
Point ((interval * point), height)|]|]
let determineSystemDrawingDimensions filePath =
use bitmap = Bitmap.FromFile filePath
(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height)