Death Socket consists of three projects. They are a .Net Standard 2.0 library, a console program and a Test Centre. The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to add grids to images.
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namespace ConsoleTests
(* Initial Setup -- Populating the Test Folders.
If you have just cloned this repository or have not run any of the tests
before, please head over to script.fs (in Test Centre) and populate the
LoadingTestArea and SavingTestArea folders. More information will be
provided there about what the scripts do. It is worth pointing out here the
.gitignore file ignores any .png files in them. This is why you must
populate them before running any tests. *)
module TestingHelpers =
(* When you are writing tests, please keep all helper functions in this
module. If this module grows to a point where it hinders the actual
testing modules, consider moving it then. If you do decide to move them
out, pay attention to LibraryTests.fs and its helper functions. *)
open System
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
// Directory Path
let saveLocation = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/SavingTestArea"
let loadLocation = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/LoadingTestArea"
// File Path
let loadPath = loadLocation + "/RequiredInfo/LoadTest.png"
let savePath = saveLocation + "/SaveTest.png"
(* Brushes converted to string [].
CLI deals with strings before brushes. *)
let testingColourArray =
|> Map.toSeq
|> fst
|> Seq.toArray
let randomColourString () =
testingColourArray.[Random().Next(testingColourArray.Length - 1)]
let randomBrush () =
|> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.toArray
|> Array.item (Random().Next(colourList.Count))
module PropertyTests =
open System
open FsCheck.Xunit
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
open System.Drawing
open TestingHelpers
open DeathSocket.Domain
let ``Pen width is set greater than 0`` () =
(setPenWidth (Random().Next()) (Random().Next())) > 0.0f
let ``Parsed colour matches expected colour`` () =
let expectedColour = (randomColourString ())
let brush = parseColour (expectedColour)
let convertedBrush = ((brush :?> SolidBrush).Color.Name.ToLower())
convertedBrush = expectedColour
let ``Can build the intended default image specification`` () =
let defaultSpec =
{ originalPath = loadPath
savePath = savePath
colour = Brushes.White
penWidth = setPenWidth 1000 1000
rows = 10
columns = 10 }
let spec = buildDefaultSpec loadPath savePath
defaultSpec = spec
let ``Can build an image specification as intended`` () =
let colourString = randomColourString ()
let brush = parseColour colourString
let pWidth = float32 (Random().Next())
let randRows = Random().Next()
let randCols = Random().Next()
let intendedSpec =
{ originalPath = loadPath
savePath = savePath
colour = brush
penWidth = pWidth
rows =randRows
columns = randCols }
let spec =
buildSpec loadPath randRows randCols pWidth colourString savePath
intendedSpec = spec
module UnitTests =
open System.IO
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
open Xunit
open TestingHelpers
let ``Saving Test Area can be located`` () =
Assert.True (Directory.Exists saveLocation)
let ``Loading Test Area can be located`` () =
Assert.True (Directory.Exists loadLocation)
let ``Colour list is not empty`` () =
Assert.False (colourList.IsEmpty)
let ``Exception thrown when invalid colour is used`` () =
(fun () -> parseColour "not a valid colour" |> ignore)