Death Socket consists of three projects. They are a .Net Standard 2.0 library, a console program and a Test Centre. The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to add grids to images.
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namespace Commands
module ConsoleCommands =
open System
open DeathSocket.GridPainter
open Validation
open System.IO
open Console.Waterworks
open Console.Waterworks.Attributes
let showEndOfCommandMessage = "[INFO.] Task completed."
[<Parameters "none">]
"Display a text message indicating this program is running properly.">]
[<Usage "test">]
let test () = "[SUCCESS] Death Socket is working."
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Description "Displays a list of available commands provided by this program.">]
[<Usage "help">]
let help () = CW_Liaison().RequestHelpDocumentation("Commands")
[<Parameters "none">]
[<Description "Exits out of the program.">]
[<Usage "exit">]
let exit () = Environment.Exit (Environment.ExitCode)
[<Parameters "(image-path: string) (new-path: string)">]
"Takes the image at 'image-path' applies a 10x10 grid (in white) to it and saves the result at 'new-path'.">]
[<Usage "add-default C:/base-image.png C:/final-image.png">]
let ``add-default`` imgPath newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding default grid to image..."
buildDefaultSpec imgPath newPath
|> applyGrid
|> Async.RunSynchronously
| :? FileNotFoundException as ex -> "[ERROR] No file was found at " + ex.FileName
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> "[ERROR] Invalid argument: " + ex.Message
| _ as ex -> ex.Message
("(image-path: string) (no-of-rows: int) (no-of-columns: int) " +
"(pen-width: float32) (colour: string) (new-path: string)")>]
[<Description "Adds a grid to an image, using the specified parameters, and saves it.">]
"add-grid C:/orignal-image.png 10 5 2 red C:/new-image.png">]
let ``add-grid`` imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding grid to image..."
buildSpec imgPath numRows numColumns pWidth colour newPath
|> applyGrid
|> Async.RunSynchronously
| :? FileNotFoundException as ex -> "[ERROR] No file was found at " + ex.FileName
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> "[ERROR] Invalid argument: " + ex.Message
| _ as ex -> ex.Message
[<Parameters "none">]
"Lists out the colours this program uses to draw its grids.">]
[<Usage "list-colours">]
let ``list-colours`` () =
printfn "[INFO.] Listing available colours..."
for item in colourList do
printfn "%s" item.Key