Death Socket consists of three projects. They are a .Net Standard 2.0 library, a console program and a Test Centre. The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to add grids to images.
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namespace ConsoleTests
module TestingHelpers =
open System
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
// Directory Path
let saveLocation = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/SavingTestArea"
let loadLocation = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/LoadingTestArea"
// File Path
let loadPath = loadLocation + "/LoadTest.png"
let savePath = saveLocation + "/SaveTest.png"
let testingColourArray =
|> Map.toSeq
|> fst
|> Seq.toArray
let randomColourString () =
testingColourArray.[Random().Next(testingColourArray.Length - 1)]
let randomBrush () =
|> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Seq.toArray
|> Array.item (Random().Next(colourList.Count))
module PropertyTests =
open System
open FsCheck.Xunit
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
open System.Drawing
open TestingHelpers
open DeathSocket.Domain
let ``Pen width is set greater than 0`` () =
(setPenWidth (Random().Next()) (Random().Next())) > 0.0f
let ``Parsed colour matches expected colour`` () =
let expectedColour = (randomColourString ())
let brush = parseColour (expectedColour)
let convertedBrush = ((brush :?> SolidBrush).Color.Name.ToLower())
convertedBrush = expectedColour
let ``Can build the intended default image specification`` () =
let defaultSpec =
{ originalPath = loadPath
savePath = savePath
colour = Brushes.White
penWidth = setPenWidth 1000 1000
rows = 10
columns = 10 }
let spec = buildDefaultSpec loadPath savePath
defaultSpec = spec
let ``Can build an image specification as intended`` () =
let colourString = randomColourString ()
let brush = parseColour colourString
let pWidth = float32 (Random().Next())
let randRows = Random().Next()
let randCols = Random().Next()
let intendedSpec =
{ originalPath = loadPath
savePath = savePath
colour = brush
penWidth = pWidth
rows =randRows
columns = randCols }
let spec = buildSpec loadPath randRows randCols pWidth colourString savePath
intendedSpec = spec
module UnitTests =
open System.IO
open DeathSocketCLI.Validation
open Xunit
open TestingHelpers
let ``Saving Test Area can be located`` () =
Assert.True (Directory.Exists saveLocation)
let ``Loading Test Area can be located`` () =
Assert.True (Directory.Exists loadLocation)
let ``Colour list is not empty`` () =
Assert.False (colourList.IsEmpty)
let ``Exception thrown when invalid colour is used`` () =
(fun () -> parseColour "not a valid colour" |> ignore)