Death Socket consists of three projects. They are a .Net Standard 2.0 library, a console program and a Test Centre. The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to add grids to images.
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namespace DeathSocket
/// The domain types used by Death Socket.
module Domain =
open System.Drawing
open SkiaSharp
open System.Threading
/// The specification used to note the orignial file's location and the
/// changes the user would like to make to it. (including the save
/// location of the modified version). Use this spec if you are using
/// System.Drawing.
type BrushSpec =
{ /// The original path of the image which the grid is being added to.
originalPath: string
/// The location of the new gridded image.
savePath: string
/// The (System.Drawing) brush used to draw the grid.
/// This determines the colour of the grid.
colour: Brush
/// The thickness of the line on the grid.
penWidth: float32
/// The number of rows the grid will have.
rows: int
///The number of columns the grid will have.
columns: int }
/// The specification used to note the orignial file's location and the
/// changes the user would like to make to it (including the save
/// location of the modified version). This specification includes
/// individual RGBA values to describe the grid's colour. Use this spec.
/// if you are using System.Drawing.
type RGBASpec =
{ /// The original path of the image which the grid is being added to.
originalPath: string
/// The location of the new gridded image.
savePath: string
/// The opacity level of the grid.
/// 0 makes it completely see through and 1 makes it solid.
alpha: float
/// The amount of red the grid's line will have.
red: float
/// The amount of green the grid's line will have.
green: float
/// The amount of blue the grid's line will have.
blue: float
/// The thickness of the line on the grid.
penWidth: float32
/// The number of rows the grid will have.
rows: int
///The number of columns the grid will have.
columns: int }
/// The specification used to note the orignial file's location and the
/// changes the user would like to make to it (including the save
/// location of the modified version). Use this spec. if you are using
/// the Skia-Sharp library.
type SkiaSpec =
{ /// The original path of the image which the grid is being added to.
originalPath: string
/// The location of the new gridded image.
savePath: string
/// The (SkiaSharp) colour used to draw the grid.
skColour: SKColor
/// The thickness of the line on the grid.
penWidth: float32
/// The number of rows the grid will have.
rows: int
///The number of columns the grid will have.
columns: int }
/// The specification used to note the orignial file's location and the
/// changes the user would like to make to it (including the save
/// location of the modified version). This specification includes
/// individual RGB values to describe the grid's colour. Use this spec.
/// if you are using the Skia-Sharp library.
type SkiaRGBSpec =
{ /// The original path of the image which the grid is being added to.
originalPath: string
/// The location of the new gridded image.
savePath: string
/// The amount of red (RGB) the grid's line will have.
/// (0 = no red, 255 = red turned up to eleven).
red: float32
/// The amount of green (RGB) the grid's line will have.
/// (0 = no green, 255 = green turned up to eleven).
green: float32
/// The amount of blue (RGB) the grid's line will have.
/// (0 = no blue, 255 = blue turned up to eleven).
blue: float32
/// The thickness of the line on the grid.
penWidth: float32
/// The number of rows the grid will have.
rows: int
///The number of columns the grid will have.
columns: int }
/// Discriminated Union representing the various specification types
/// Death Socket can use to apply a grid to an image.
type ImageSpec =
| Brush of BrushSpec
| RGBA of RGBASpec
| Skia of SkiaSpec
| SkiaRGB of SkiaRGBSpec
/// Discriminated Union representing the graphics libraries used by
/// Desth Socket. Useful for selecting which one you want to use.
/// System.Drawing for using Windows/Mono and SkiaSharp for Xamarin.
type ImageType =
| SkiaSharp of string
| SystemDrawing of string