A website for producing interactive charts without writing a single line of code. Built with Common Lisp and Python. https://charts.craigoates.net
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(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage #:tests
(:use #:cl
(in-package #:tests)
#| parachute: https://shinmera.github.io/parachute/
Use the URL to access the documentation for parachute.
;; This was an example taken from the doc's for parachute. I'm going to keep it
;; here as a reference until I get comfortable with parachute.
(define-test reference-tests
(of-type integer 5)
(true (numberp 2/3))
(false (numberp :keyword))
(is-values (values 0 "1")
(= 0)
(equal "1")))