;; (in-package :cl-user) (defpackage hot-line (:use :cl) (:import-from :hot-line.config :config) (:import-from :clack :clackup) (:export :start :stop #:main)) (in-package :hot-line) (defvar *appfile-path* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :hot-line #P"app.lisp")) (defvar *handler* nil) (defun start (&rest args &key server port debug &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore server port debug)) (when *handler* (restart-case (error "Server is already running.") (restart-server () :report "Restart the server" (stop)))) (setf *handler* (apply #'clackup *appfile-path* args))) (defun stop () (prog1 (clack:stop *handler*) (setf *handler* nil))) #| 'main' Function Used For Starting Server From Script (I.E. Live Deployment) ================================================================================ https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/web-dev/#building The code below was taken from the URL above (with slight modifications). It's main use is to make it easier to start the server via a script. |# (defun main () (start :server :hunchentoot :port 3002 :debug nil) ;; with bordeaux-threads (handler-case (bt:join-thread (find-if (lambda (th) (search "hunchentoot" (bt:thread-name th))) (bt:all-threads))) (#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt #+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition #+clisp system::simple-interrupt-condition #+ecl ext:interactive-interrupt #+allegro excl:interrupt-signal () (progn (format *error-output* "Aborting.~&") (clack:stop *handler*) (uiop:quit 1)) ;; portable exit, included in ASDF, already loaded. ;; for others, unhandled errors (we might want to do the same). (error (c) (format t "Woops, an unknown error occured:~&~a~&" c)))))