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;; (in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage hot-line.db
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :hot-line.config
(:import-from :datafly
(:import-from :cl-dbi
(:export :connection-settings
(in-package :hot-line.db)
(defun connection-settings (&optional (db :maindb))
(cdr (assoc db (config :databases))))
(defun db (&optional (db :maindb))
(apply #'connect-cached (connection-settings db)))
(defmacro with-connection (conn &body body)
;; Added 'mito.connection:' to 'let' binding. To return to default,
;; just remove it so it just says '*connection*'. mito replaces
;; datafly.
`(let ((mito.connection:*connection* ,conn))