A website for producing interactive charts without writing a single line of code. Built with Common Lisp and Python. https://charts.craigoates.net
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(defpackage #:routing
(:use #:cl
(in-package #:routing)
#| Routing.lisp (The overflow file for web.lisp)
In here is essentially the overflow of code from the web.lisp file. When the
code in one of 'defroute' macros needs breaking out into its own
function (defined with a 'defun'), I add that function into this file. The
reason why is so I can keep the website routes free from clutter (as much as I
can help it). By using something like the origami package in Emacs, I can reduce
the routes to their first line so I an quickly scan through the file and
navigate to the function I need to work next.
You will find, the functions in here tend to deal the HTTP POST requests almost
exclusively. At the time of writing (August 2022), I have not had any need to
include a function which deals with a HTTP GET request. But, I intend to add
them to this file unless this file becomes too unwieldy.
(defun create-chart (request)
"Builds the chart by calling out to Python and returns the file created by it."
(&key title content-file x-axis y-axis &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(let* ((current-user (authentication:get-current-user))
(username (user::username-of current-user))
(alert-message nil)
(checks-failed? nil)
(status-code nil)
(python-output nil)
(file-type (car (last content-file)))
(data-bag `(:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,current-user
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles))))
(cond ((null content-file)
(setf alert-message +storage-file-not-found+)
(setf checks-failed? t))
((and (not (string-equal "text/csv" file-type))
(not (string-equal "text/tsv" file-type))
(not (string-equal "text/tab-separated-values" file-type)))
(setf alert-message +undetermined-file-type+)
(setf checks-failed? t)
(setf status-code 301))
((or (null (directory-exists-p username +uploads-directory+))
(null (directory-exists-p username "")))
(setf alert-message +storage-directory-not-found+)
(setf checks-failed? t)
(setf status-code 301))
(t (setf checks-failed? nil)
(setf status-code 201)))
(if (not checks-failed?)
;; File is stored on server so it available to hot-line-python.
;; hot-line-python is called from this website but is run in
;; seperate process to this website.
(let* ((sanitised-filename (clean-filename (second content-file)))
(sanitised-filename-root (pathname-name sanitised-filename))
(prefixed-filename (format nil "line_~a--~a.html"
(temp-file-path ; For input .csv/.tsv file uploaded to server.
(make-path username
(make-path username "" prefixed-filename)))
(storage:store-file username
(format nil sanitised-filename)
(setf python-output (uiop:run-program
(list (merge-pathnames
(format nil "~a"
;; "-V" ; For verbose output.
(format nil "-t ~a" title)
(format nil "-x ~a" x-axis)
(format nil "-y ~a" y-axis)
(format nil "~a" temp-file-path)
(format nil "~a" output-path))
:output :string
:error-output :string))
(storage:remove-file username +uploads-directory+
(if (and (not (search "CRITICAL" python-output))
(null alert-message))
(setf alert-message +generic-success+)
(setf alert-message +generic-fail+))
(format t "~@s" python-output)
`(,status-code () (,(hot-line.view:render
(append data-bag
`(:alert ,alert-message
username "")))
:python-output ,python-output))))))))
;; Storage Section
(defun add-storage-file (request)
"Stores the meta-data and data-file of an uploaded file (to the website).
The CSRF-Token and Logged-in checks should already be completed before calling
this function."
(&key filename slug content-type content-file &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(cond ((or (storage-management:get-file-from-db :slug slug)
(storage-management:get-file-from-db :filename filename))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles))))))
(t (let* ((current-user (authentication:get-current-user))
(username (user::username-of current-user))
(file-count (storage-management:get-file-count username)))
(storage-management:add-file-to-db filename username ; content-type
(caddr content-file)
(storage:store-file username app-constants:+media-directory+
filename content-file)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:root-url ,(format nil "storage/manage/~a" username)
:user ,current-user
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
,(storage-management:get-file-count username)
"file" "content_type")
username 1 +default-page-size+ :filename)
:pagination ,(pagination:make-pagination
:page 1
:page-size +default-page-size+
:nb-elements file-count))))))))))
(defun delete-storage-file (request)
"Deletes the data-file in the logged-in user's /storage directory."
(&key filename &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(let* ((current-user (authentication:get-current-user))
(username (user::username-of current-user))
(token (authentication:csrf-token))
(roles (authentication:get-user-roles))
(alert-message nil))
(if (null (storage:file-exists-p username "" filename))
(setf alert-message +storage-file-not-found+)
(setf alert-message +storage-file-deleted+)
(storage:remove-file username "" filename)))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,alert-message
:token ,token
:user ,current-user
:roles ,roles
:storage-files ,(reverse
username ""))))))))))
(defun update-storage-file (request)
"Updates the meta-data of a data-file stored in the /storage directory.
The function does not alter the actual data-file. The thinking is if you want to
edit the actual data-file, you should just delete the file stored on the
server (in /storage) and upload a new one. This function is for changing the
`FILENAME', `CONTENT-TYPE' and `SLUG' (I.E. the things you use to reference the
files in /storage when logged into the site)."
(&key id filename content-type slug &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(let* ((current-user (authentication:get-current-user))
(username (user::username-of current-user))
(original-db-file-name (file::filename-of
(storage-management:get-file-from-db :id id))))
(cond ((null (storage-management:get-file-from-db :id id))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render "storage/manage.html"
`(:alert ,app-constants:+storage-file-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,current-user
:root-url ,(format nil "storage/manage/~a" username)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
,(storage-management:get-file-count username)
"file" "content_type")
username :filename)
:pagination ,(make-pagination
:page 1
:page-size +default-page-size+
(t ;; Read as 'ignore inner code-block of UNLESS the file exists'.
(unless (storage:file-exists-p username app-constants:+media-directory+ filename)
(storage:rename-content-file username app-constants:+media-directory+
original-db-file-name filename))
(storage-management:edit-file-in-db id filename content-type slug)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render "storage/manage.html"
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,current-user
:root-url ,(format nil "storage/manage/~a" username)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
,(storage-management:get-file-count username)
"file" "content_type")
username :filename)
:pagination ,(make-pagination
:page 1
:page-size +default-page-size+
;; Session Management
(defun attempt-login (request)
"Attempts to log the user into the website.
Redirects the user depending on how successful the log-in attempt
is. Updates the session id and password if log-in is
successful. `REQUEST' consists of the body parameters of the log-in
attempt Derived from the log-in form comprised in /session and
(&key username password authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (authentication:csrf-token)))
`(403 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(let ((params (list :|username| username :|password| password)))
(hermetic:login params
;; Successful log-in attempt.
;; Set session Id. to the logged in user.
(gethash :id ningle:*session*)
(authentication:get-user-id username)
;; Set the users password (for session)
(gethash :password ningle:*session*) password)
`(303 (:location "/dashboard")))
;; Failed log-in attempt.
(hot-line.view:render "user/log-in.html"
`(:alert ,+incorrect-login-details+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)))
;; No user found.
(hot-line.view:render "user/log-in.html"
`(:alert ,+user-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token))))))))
(defun log-out (request)
"Logs the current user out of the browsing session."
(&key username authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (authentication:csrf-token)))
`(403 (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
;; Successful log-out.
(progn (authentication::flash-gethash :id ningle:*session*)
'(303 (:location "/")))
;; Failed log-out
'(303 (:location "/"))))))
;; User Management
(defun sign-up-user (request)
"Creates a new user via the sign-up section of site."
(&key username display-name password &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(let* ((alert-message nil)
(can-create-user? nil))
(cond ((user-management:user-in-db-p :username username)
(setf alert-message +username-already-taken+))
((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty-p
`(,username ,display-name ,password)))
(setf alert-message +nil-or-empty-string-used+))
(t (setf alert-message +new-user-added+)
(setf can-create-user? t)))
(if (equal can-create-user? t)
username display-name +false+
(storage:ensure-directory-exists username "uploads")
(attempt-login request))
`(303 () (, (hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,+username-already-taken+
:username ,username
:display-name ,display-name
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)))))))))
(defun add-user (request)
"Adds a new user to the database by a currently logged in (I.E. admin.) user.
`REQUEST' contains the data provided by the HTML form used to specify
the new user's data."
(&key authenticity-token username display-name administrator
password &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(cond ((if (user-management:user-in-db-p :username username)
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,+username-already-taken+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)))))))
;; TODO: Add validation for add-user arguments.
(t (progn
username display-name
(convert:checkbox-to-bool administrator) password)
(storage:ensure-directory-exists username "uploads")
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,+new-user-added+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))))))
(defun delete-user (request)
"Deletes a user from the database.
`REQUEST' contains the data which specifies which user should be
deleted. It typically is provided by a HTML form."
(&key username &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(cond ((not (user-management:user-in-db-p :username username))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,+user-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))
((or (and (equal +true+ (user::is-administrator-p (authentication:get-current-user)))
(user-management:user-in-db-p :username username))
(string= username (user::username-of (authentication:get-current-user))))
(let ((username-being-deleted (user::username-of (authentication:get-current-user))))
(user-management:delete-user-from-db :username username)
(storage:remove-directory username "")
(if (string= username username-being-deleted)
(log-out request)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render
`(:alert ,app-constants:+user-deleted+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))))
(t (format nil "Well then, it looks like you managed to the
website into a right old pickle. For you to have got here,
you must have been snooping around. Fair play, you broke
the website.")))))
(defun update-role (request)
"Give or remove admin. privileges to user specified in `REQUEST'."
(destructuring-bind (&key username administrator &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(cond ((null (user-management:user-in-db-p :username username))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,+user-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles))))))
((not (= (user::is-administrator-p (authentication:get-current-user))
`(303 () ,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,+user-not-authorised+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator")))))
(t (user-management:update-user-administration-role
username (convert:checkbox-to-bool administrator))
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,+user-role-updated+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator")))))))))
(defun update-display-name (request)
"Change the username of the user specified in `REQUEST'."
(destructuring-bind (&key username display-name &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(format t "[INFO] SESSION: ~A" (gethash :password ningle:*session*))
(cond ((equal nil (user-management:user-in-db-p :username username))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,app-constants:+user-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))
(t (user-management:update-user-display-name username display-name)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,+display-name-updated+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator")))))))))
(defun update-password (request)
"Change the password of the user specified in `REQUEST'."
(destructuring-bind (&key username old-password new-password &allow-other-keys)
(authentication:request-params request)
(cond ((equal nil (user-management:user-in-db-p :username username))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,app-constants:+user-not-found+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))
((if (and (not old-password) (hermetic:role-p :administrator))
(user-management:update-user-password username new-password)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,app-constants:+password-updated+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))))
((equal nil
(cl-pass:check-password old-password
(user::password-of (user-management:user-in-db-p
:username username))))
`(303 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,app-constants:+old-password-incorrect+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator"))))))
(t (user-management:update-user-password username new-password)
`(201 () (,(hot-line.view:render (user-management:get-crud-redirect-url)
`(:alert ,app-constants:+password-updated+
:token ,(authentication:csrf-token)
:user ,(authentication:get-current-user)
:users ,(user-management:get-all-users)
:roles ,(authentication:get-user-roles)
"user" "administrator")))))))))