Code to help with the re-arranging of my life in 2024.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
7.8 KiB

#+options: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t H:3 \n:nil ^:t arch:headline author:t
#+options: broken-links:nil c:nil creator:nil d:(not "LOGBOOK") date:t e:t
#+options: email:nil f:t inline:t num:t p:nil pri:nil prop:nil stat:t tags:t
#+options: tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t title:t toc:t todo:t |:t
#+title: Spare Room Manchester
#+date: today
#+author: Craig Oates
#+language: en
#+select_tags: export
#+exclude_tags: noexport
#+creator: Emacs 28.2 (Org mode 9.5.5)
* Setup Common Lisp Environment
You will not to execute this code block if you've already set up SLIME in
another ORG file. This is just in case this is the only file you're working on
today, or it's your first file of the day.
*Run ~m-x slime~ before running the following code.* And, make note of the
~:session~ attribute. It allows you to use the code in the code block to be use
in other code blocks which also use the ~:session~ attribute.
#+begin_src lisp :session :results silent
(ql:quickload :com.inuoe.jzon) ; JSON parser.
(ql:quickload :dexador) ; HTTP requests.
(ql:quickload :plump) ; HTML/XML parser.
(ql:quickload :lquery) ; HTML/DOM manipulation.
(ql:quickload :lparallel) ; Parallel programming.
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre) ; RegEx. library.
(ql:quickload :plot/vega) ; Vega plotting library.
(ql:quickload :lisp-stat) ; Stat's library.
(ql:quickload :data-frame) ; Data frame library eqv. to Python's Numpy.
(ql:quickload :str) ; String library, expands on 'string' library.
* Gather Spare Room Data
Having done a quick manual search on [[][Spare Room]], using =Manchester= as the
location/search term, the results page say there are =Showing 1-10 of 1000+
results=. So the total page count is,
#+begin_src calc :results raw
1000 / 10
Because I’m going to grabbing that many pages, it’ll be better if I do this once
and save the raw HTML on my computer. That way, I can parse and sift through the
data without putting needless stress on the Spare Room servers – by repeatedly
scraping and parsing the data as I work out the bugs.
#+begin_src shell :results silent
# If you don't already have this directory. It includes files ignored by Git.
mkdir "raw-data/external"
#+begin_src shell
cd raw-data/external
DIRECTORY="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')_spare-room-manc"
for OFFSET in {0..990..10}
curl -o "$DIRECTORY/spare-room-manc-$OFFSET.html" \
sleep 5
# Change back to the project's root directory, so I don't call code whilst still
# in this directory.
cd ../../
* Clean Up and Parse Data
** Failed Attempt (Parse Whole Page)
This is my initial attempt to parse the HTML files I gathered from Spare
Room's website.
#+begin_src lisp :results silent
;; This is here for future reference, I don't recommend you run it.
(loop for file-path
in (directory #P"raw-data/external/2024-02-23_spare-room-manc/spare-room-manc-0.html")
(with-open-file (stream file-path)
(let* ((doc (plump:parse stream))
(locations (lquery:$ doc ".listingLocation"))
(prices (lquery:$ doc ".listingPrice"))
(data (loop for loc across locations
for price across prices
collect (list (plump:text loc) (plump:text price)))))
(with-open-file (stream
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(format stream "Location,Price~%")
(dolist (item data)
(format stream "~a,~a~%" (first item) (second item)))))))
Unfortunately, this approach produces inconsistent results. There are too many
lines of text with excessive spacing. There are newlines with no rhyme or reason
keep breaking the formatting, also. Having had a play around with the data, I
don't feel confident each entry has the rent price in the same place. So, I
think there is a chance the code which processes the files will produce
misaligned data. In other words, the rent for one location might be placed next
to the location which came before it in the processing pipeline (i.e. an
/off-by-one/ bug). Because of this, I think a more secure approach would be to
extract each listing into its own file and process one file at a time. This will,
hopefully, make it easier to identify if a listing has missing or ill-formed
pricing, location etc. data.
** Separate Each Listing into Their Own File
#+begin_src shell
mkdir "raw-data/external/2024-02-23_spare-room-manc-listings/"
#+begin_src lisp :results silent
(let ((counter 0))
(loop for file-path
in (directory #P"raw-data/external/2024-02-23_spare-room-manc/*.html")
do (with-open-file (in-stream file-path)
(let* ((doc (plump:parse in-stream))
(listings (lquery:$ doc ".listing-result" (serialize))))
(loop for item across listings
do (let ((out-path
(merge-pathnames "raw-data/external/2024-02-23_spare-room-manc-listings/"
(format nil "listing-~a.html" (write-to-string counter)))))
(with-open-file (out-stream
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(format out-stream "~a" item))
(incf counter)))))))
** Create CSV of Listings
#+begin_src lisp :results silent
(with-open-file (out-stream
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(let ((row-id 0))
(loop for file-path
in (directory #P"raw-data/external/2024-02-23_spare-room-manc-listings/*.html")
do (with-open-file (in-stream file-path)
(let* ((doc (plump:parse in-stream))
(listing-id (lquery:$ doc ".listing-result" (attr "data-listing-id")))
(price-details (lquery:$ doc ".listingPriceDetails" (text)))
(location (lquery:$ doc ".listingLocation" (text)))
(url (lquery:$ doc "article" "a" (attr "href")))
(postcode (lquery:$ doc ".listing-result" (attr "data-listing-postcode")))
(price (lquery:$ doc ".listingPrice" (text)))
(cleaned-price (if (str:contains? "," (aref price 0))
(str:replace-all "," "" (aref price 0))
(aref price 0))))
(format out-stream "~a,~a,~a,~a,~a,~a,~a,~a,~a"
(write-to-string row-id)
(aref listing-id 0)
(aref location 0)
(aref postcode 0)
(first (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "\\d+" cleaned-price))
(first (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "(pw|pcm)" cleaned-price))
(aref price-details 0)
(format nil "https//" (aref url 0)))
(incf row-id))))))