The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to create placeholder images quickly.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
2.7 KiB

module internal InternalServices
open System.IO
open System.Drawing
open SmoulderingBeachBall
module Validation =
let validateDimension dimension =
match dimension with
| dimension when dimension <= 0 -> invalidArg "dimension" "The width and height must be greater than 0."
| _ -> ()
let validateDirectory filePath =
let path = Path.GetDirectoryName filePath
match (Directory.Exists path) with
| false -> invalidArg "filePath" "Unable to save to the specified location because it does not exist."
| true -> ()
module Drawing =
let penOffset penWidth = int (penWidth / (float32 2))
let createBorderPath penWidth spec =
let offset = penOffset penWidth
[|Point (0, offset); // Essentially (0, 0)
Point ((spec.width - offset), offset);
Point ((spec.width - offset), (spec.height - offset));
Point (offset, (spec.height - offset));
Point (offset, 0)|]
let drawBorder (graphics: Graphics) (pen: Pen) spec =
printfn "[INFO.] Adding border to image..."
let penPath = createBorderPath pen.Width spec
graphics.DrawLines (pen, penPath)
let drawFullOverlay (graphics: Graphics) (pen: Pen) spec =
drawBorder graphics pen spec
printfn "[INFO.] Adding full overlay to image..."
let offset = penOffset pen.Width
// Draws line from top-left to bottom-right of square.
graphics.DrawLine (pen, offset, offset, (spec.width - offset), (spec.height - offset))
// Draws line from top-right to bottom-left of square.
graphics.DrawLine (pen, (spec.width - offset), offset, offset, (spec.height - offset))
let addOverlayToImage graphics spec =
let overlay = spec.overlay.Value
let pen = new Pen (overlay.colour, Width = 10.0f)
match overlay.overlayType with
| Border -> drawBorder graphics pen spec
| Full -> drawFullOverlay graphics pen spec
let drawImage spec =
let bitmap = new Bitmap (spec.width, spec.height)
let graphics = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)
let rectangle = Rectangle (0, 0, spec.width, spec.height)
graphics.FillRectangle (spec.colour, rectangle)
match spec.overlay.IsSome with
| true -> addOverlayToImage graphics spec
| false -> printfn "[INFO.] No overlay specified. Creating image without one."
bitmap.Save (spec.filePath)