The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to create placeholder images quickly.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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namespace SmoulderingBeachBall
/// Provides the public facing functions of Smouldering Beach Ball.
module Services =
open System
open SmoulderingBeachBall.Domain.DomainTypes
open InternalServices.Validation
open InternalServices.Drawing
/// <summary>
/// Creates an image using the specification provided by the ImageSpec.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spec">
/// The image specification which describes how the image should look.
/// </param>
let makeImage (spec: ImageSpec) =
async {
printfn "[INFO.] Attempting to make image..."
validateDimension spec.width
validateDimension spec.height
validateDirectory spec.filePath
drawImage spec
printfn "[SUCCESS] Image creation attempt complete."
return ()
| :? ArgumentException as ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message
| _ as ex -> printfn "%s" ex.Message