Craig Oates 4 years ago
  1. 11


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Welcome to the Wiki.
![smoulderingbeachballcli selected](sbbcli-selected.png)
This project is a traditional .Net console program, written in F#. Within it, you will find eleven files but you will spend most of your time in three of them. The name of these files are "Program.fs", "Validation.fs" and "ConsoleCommands.fs". "App.config", "AssemblyInfo.fs", "SmoulderingBeachBallCLI.fsproj" are all standard project files. If you have worked with a .Net project in Visual Studio in the past, you will have seen these types of files before. "cheat-sheet.pdf" is, as the name suggests, a cheat sheet. You will see it used as part of the `cheat` command in "ConsoleCommands.fs". The remaining three files are "AppIcon.rc", "AppIcon.res" and "icon.ico". For the most part, you should never need to touch these files. They are, also, files you will not normally come across in a project like this. The reason they are here is because the provide a way for F# console programs to have their own icons. Unfortunately, F# does not cater to this very well. So, "AppIcon.rc" and "AppIcon.res" are needed for you to see "icon.ico" at run-time. If you would like to know more about ".rc" and ".res" files, please use the following links:
- [.res file (Microsoft)](
- [A link to the Stack Overflow question I found which got me started on my path to icon-including enlightenment](
Please note, you need C++ tools installed with your Visual Studio installation. If you do not have them installed, you will not have the ability to change the console's icon. With that said, you should not need to because I have already creates and connected the icon to the system.
![smoulderingbeachballcli file structure](sbbcli-file-structure.png)
