The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to generate random "placeholder text" -- with a Markov Chain.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.5 KiB

module InputGeneration
open System
open TestingConstants
open Helpers
let ValidGibberishLevelInput () =
let testInputs = [|2 .. 20|]
let index = Random().Next(0, testInputs.Length)
let ValidSentencesInput () = System.Random().Next(2, 10)
let InvalidGibberishLevelInput () =
let testInputs = Array.concat [ [|0; 1|] ; [|21 .. 100|] ]
let index = System.Random().Next(0, testInputs.Length)
let InvalidSentencesInput () = System.Random().Next(-5, 1)
let ValidFileInput () =
let testInputs = [|ConsoleWaterworks; DesktopClock; TestPost; WordGenerator|]
let index = Random().Next(0, testInputs.Length)
(* Note: Code-Smell for "Defaults"
DefaultTestSentence & DefaultSentenceCount should be used in tandem.
Treat is as a code-smell in the (unit and property) tests when they are not.
The main use for these expressions should be the "clean" functions.
If you change the DefaultTestSentence, remember to change the random-range for DefaultSentencsCount.
let DefaultTestSentence = "This is a sentence. And, so is this. This shouldn't be here! How about this? No!"
let private testSentCount = CountSentences DefaultTestSentence
let DefaultSentenceCount () = Random().Next(1, testSentCount)