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Add CopyToClipboard functionality to GenerateCleanTextFromFile command-method.

Edit the commmand-method attributes.
Craig Oates 6 years ago
  1. 41


@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
#region Wet Pancake Utilities
[Parameters("sentences: int, text: string")]
"Checks to see if the string matches the desired sentence count and removes any over that limit.\n" +
"If the string has less sentences than the number requested, it will not change.\n" +
"Sentences must be greater than 0 and text must contain at least 1 \".\" \"?\" \"!\"")]
[Parameters("sentences: int, text: string")]
[Usage("> CleanText 1 \"This is a test sentence. And, this one needs to be removed.\"")]
public static string CleanText(int sentences, string text)
@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
#region Text Generation
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, copy-to-clip-board: bool")]
"Generates text using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
@ -133,8 +134,10 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
"Sentences must be greater than 0.\n" +
"Pass in \"true\" to copy the result straight to the clipboard.\n" +
"Pass in \"false\" or leave blank to not copy the result.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, copy-to-clip-board: bool")]
[Usage("> GenerateCleanText 5 10 true | > GenerateCleanText 5 4")]
[Usage("\n" + // Added because Console.Waterworks' rendering makes it look weird.
"> GenerateCleanText 5 10 true\n" +
"> GenerateCleanText 5 4 false \n" +
"> GenerateCleanText 5 4")]
public static string GenerateCleanText(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, bool copyToClipboard = false)
@ -159,16 +162,23 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
"Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it," +
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, file path: string, copy-to-clip-board: bool")]
[Description("\n" +
"Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it,\n" +
"using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
"Use this if you cannot tolerate the odd extra sentence.\n" +
"With that said, it does mean it is slower than its GenerateTextFromFile counterpart.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, file path: string")]
[Usage("> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateCleanTextFromFile(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath)
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.\n" +
"Sentences must be greater than 0.\n" +
"Pass in \"true\" to copy the result straight to the clipboard.\n" +
"Pass in \"false\" or leave blank to not copy the result.")]
[Usage("\n" + // Added because Console.Waterworks' rendering makes it look weird.
"> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt true \n" +
"> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 5 9 C:/yourfile.txt false\n" +
"> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 5 9 C:/ yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateCleanTextFromFile(
int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath, bool copyToClipboard = false)
@ -182,8 +192,12 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
if (string.Equals(extension, ".txt") != true)
throw new FileLoadException
("The file entered is not a plain text (.txt) file.", filePath);
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
var result = FSharpAsync.StartAsTask(
RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath),
_taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken)
if (copyToClipboard == true) CopyToClipBoard(result);
return result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -197,7 +211,10 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
"Generates random text, the number of sentences generated is randomly determined\n." +
"Pass in true to copy result straight to clipboard.")]
[Parameters("copy-to-clipboard: bool")]
[Usage("> GenerateRandomText")]
[Usage("\n" + // Added because Console.Waterworks' rendering makes it look weird.
"> GenerateRandomText true\n" +
"> GenerateRandomText false\n" +
"> GenerateRandomText")]
public static string GenerateRandomText(bool copyToClipboard = false)
