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Merge pull request #1 from CraigOates/0.1

0.1 into master.
Craig Oates 6 years ago committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 19
  2. 8
  3. 26
  4. 34
  5. 23
  6. 4
  7. 28
  8. 118
  9. 9
  10. 21
  11. 14
  12. 12
  13. 45
  14. 8
  15. 17
  16. 4
  17. BIN


@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module internal DataAccess
open System
open System.IO
let CreateSampleTextFilesPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "\\TextFiles\\"
let FindSampleTextFiles path =
Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
let ListSampleFiles =
|> FindSampleTextFiles
let SelectRandomSampleFile =
let files = ListSampleFiles
files.[Random().Next(0, files.Length)]
let LoadFile path = File.ReadAllText(path)


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module internal DataCleaning
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let ReplaceArtifact pattern text = Regex.Replace(text, pattern, " ")
let SplitText pattern text = Regex.Split(text, pattern)


@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module internal DataProcessing
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open DataCleaning
open System
let MatchText pattern text = Regex.IsMatch(text, pattern)
let ConcatToString words = String.concat " " words
let SortIntoGroups groupSize text =
SplitText @"\s+" text // Splits text where there is a space.
|> Seq.windowed groupSize
let BisectWords words =
let length = Array.length words
let start =
|> Seq.take (length - 1)
|> ConcatToString
(start, words.[length - 1])
let CombineWords prev next =
[prev; next]
|> List.filter(fun s -> not (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace s))
|> ConcatToString


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module internal DataServices
open SystemServices
open System
open DataStructuring
open DataProcessing
open DataCleaning
let PickRandomWord words = PickRandomItem (Random().Next) words
let rec GenerateMarkovChain (map: Map<string, string List>) (state:string) chain =
let nextChoice = map.[state] |> PickRandomWord
if MatchText @"\." nextChoice then nextChoice :: chain
let currentWords =
|> SplitText @"\s+"
|> Seq.skip 1
|> ConcatToString
GenerateMarkovChain map (CombineWords currentWords nextChoice) (nextChoice :: chain)
let GenerateMarkovSentence map start =
GenerateMarkovChain map start [start]
|> List.rev
|> ConcatToString
let GenerateMarkovText noOfSentences map =
let startWords = fst(SeperateStartWords map)
let result =
seq {
for i in 0 .. noOfSentences do
yield GenerateMarkovSentence map (PickRandomWord startWords).Key
result |> ConcatToString


@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module internal DataStructuring
open DataProcessing
let UpdateMap (map:Map<_,_>) key value =
if map.ContainsKey key then
let exisitingValue = map.[key]
let map = map |> Map.remove key
map |> Map.add key (value :: exisitingValue)
map.Add (key, [value])
// Not the best name...
let ConstructMap map text =
BisectWords text ||> UpdateMap map
let GenerateMap<'a> = Seq.fold ConstructMap Map.empty
let SeperateStartWords map =
let startWords =
|> Map.partition (fun k _ -> MatchText @"^[A-Z]" k)


@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
namespace WetPancake
type Class1() =
member this.X = "F#"


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
namespace WetPancake
module Pancake =
open System
open SystemServices
open DataAccess
open DataCleaning
open DataProcessing
open DataStructuring
open DataServices
let RequestRandomText =
let dss_text =
LoadFile SelectRandomSampleFile
|> ReplaceArtifact "\""
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n\nIn"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\r"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n"
|> SplitText @"\s+"
|> ConcatToString
|> SortIntoGroups 10
|> GenerateMap
GenerateMarkovText 2 dss_text
//let RequestText (gibberishLevel: int) (sentences: int)
//let RequestTextFromFile (gibberishLevel: int) (sentences: int) (filePath: string)


@ -1,8 +1,120 @@
// Learn more about F# at
// See the 'F# Tutorial' project for more help.
#load "Library1.fs"
open WetPancake
#load "SystemServices.fs"
#load "DataAccess.fs"
#load "DataCleaning.fs"
#load "DataProcessing.fs"
#load "DataStructuring.fs"
#load "DataServices.fs"
#load "ProductServices.fs"
// Define your library scripting code here
open System
open SystemServices
open DataAccess
open DataCleaning
open DataProcessing
open DataStructuring
open DataServices
// System Services
let ss_number = PickRandomNumber 10
let ss_item =
let items = seq {1 .. 10}
PickRandomItem (Random().Next) items
// Data Access
let da_sampleFilePath = CreateSampleTextFilesPath
let da_sampleTextFiles = FindSampleTextFiles da_sampleFilePath
let da_sampleFiles = ListSampleFiles
let da_randomSampleFile = SelectRandomSampleFile
let da_file = LoadFile da_randomSampleFile
// Data Cleaning
let dc_replace1 = ReplaceArtifact "\"" "dc_repl1 \" end."
let dc_replace2 = ReplaceArtifact "\n\nIn" "dc_repl2 \n\nIn end."
let dc_replace3 = ReplaceArtifact "\r" "dc_repl3 \r end."
let dc_replace4 = ReplaceArtifact "\n" "dc_repl4 \n end."
let dc_replace5 =
let testPath = "a1 \" a2 \n\nIn a3 \r a4 \n end."
|> ReplaceArtifact "\""
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n\nIn"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\r"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n"
let dc_split = SplitText @"\s+" "This is a test string."
// Data Processing
let dp_isStart = MatchText @"^[A-Z]" "This is a test"
let dp_isEnd = MatchText @"\." "and the end is nigh."
let dp_failStart = MatchText @"^[A-Z]" "somewhere in the middle"
let dp_failEnd = MatchText @"\." "this is not the end"
let dp_words =
let words = ["This"; "is"; "a"; "test"; "."]
ConcatToString words
let dp_words2 =
let words = "This is a test. And has serveral words in it."
SortIntoGroups 2 words
|> Seq.toList
let dp_bisect =
let words = [|"This"; "is"; "a"; "test"; "."; "Contains"; "text"; "."|]
BisectWords words
let dp_combine =
let prev = "This is the previous"
let next = "this is the next"
CombineWords prev next
let dp_combine2 =
let prev = " "
let next = "Prev is whitespace"
CombineWords prev next
let dp_combine3 =
let prev = "Next is empty"
let next = ""
CombineWords prev next
let dp_combine4 =
let prev = "Next is null"
let next = null
CombineWords prev next
// Data Structuring
let ds_map = Map.empty
let ds_text = [|"This"; "is"; "a"; "test"; "string."|]
let ds_map2 =
let text = BisectWords ds_text
let result = UpdateMap ds_map (fst(text)) (snd(text))
let ds_map3 = ConstructMap ds_map ds_text
let ds_text2 = [
[|"This"; "is"; "the"; "first"; "test"; "string."|]
[|"This"; "is"; "the"; "first"; "test"; "string."|]
[|"this"; "is"; "the"; "second"; "test"; "string"|]
[|"this"; "is"; "the"; "third"; "test"; "string"|]
let ds_map4 = ConstructMap ds_map ds_text2.[1]
let ds_map5 = [for i in ds_text2 -> ConstructMap ds_map i]
let ds_map6 =
let result =
[for item in ds_map5 do
for i in item -> i]
let ds_map7 =
let result =
[for item in ds_map5 -> SeperateStartWords item]
let ds_map7Item = ds_map7.Item(0)
// Data Services
let dss_text =
LoadFile SelectRandomSampleFile
|> ReplaceArtifact "\""
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n\nIn"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\r"
|> ReplaceArtifact "\n"
|> SplitText @"\s+"
|> ConcatToString
|> SortIntoGroups 2
|> GenerateMap
//let dss_startwords = SeperateStartWords dss_text
let dss_sentences = GenerateMarkovText 2 dss_text
printfn "Text: %A" dss_sentences


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module internal SystemServices
open System
let PickRandomNumber max = Random().Next(0, max);
let PickRandomItem (rnd: int -> int) seq =
let index = rnd (Seq.length seq)
seq |> Seq.item index


@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
That's right, you've won. Well done and come on down, today is not your lucky day. It's -- in fact -- the best day of your life. How else can you describe the moment you discovered the Console.Waterworks NuGet package? That's right, you can't. So, let's get on with basking in your glory. I can't wait.
First of all, Console.Waterworks is for writing extendable command-based console programs. Gone are the days where you need to parse user input and write error handling code. You now have the ability to write methods which act as commands at run-time. Method parameters are, also, accepted and parsed at run-time. This is brilliant and in need of a demonstration. Are you ready to see something which surpasses the hype and majesty of the sun herself? Well, come on then. It's demo. time.
As you can see in the Gif. above, the method I have written (on the left) maps to a command in the console program at run-time (on the right). There is no parsing of user input or error handling in the code, either. Don't worry, you'll be reading more about that majestic trick-shot in a moment. For now, enjoy the flashing lights. You've earned it.
We both know you're not an idiot. So, when you recognise the brilliance, you know it's one-hundred percent legitimate. This is a fair assessment. And, this next intellectual marvel will elevate your core being to a state of ecstasy. Yes, you're right. I'm about to render you stupid through the sheer splendour of intellectual stimulation. It's going to be so strong, you might consider it a form of infidelity. Let's hope you can keep your wits about you. This is your relationship at risk here, not mine. Come on you little cupcake. Let's demo.
This demo. is the one about the error handling I mentioned earlier. As you can see in the Gif., the method doesn't have any error handling code. But, the console program displays an error message to the user. Yes, you're right. It's brilliant.
This next demo. is where everything changes, though. I hope you've strapped your pants on tight.
In a moment as clear as crystal, what you’re looking at is a self-documenting "help" section. This means you no longer need to write a help guide -- from scratch -- in every console program. You can now add Waterworks custom attributes to the methods you want to declare at run-time. Console.Waterworks will make a note of those attributes and display them like the demo. shows.
Everything above is brilliant and has a place on this Earth and you know this. Like I said before, you're not an idiot. So, the next time you're writing a console program, don't forget to add Console.Waterworks to your solution.
For more information about using Console.Waterworks in your solution, head to the GitHub. Console.Waterworks is available as a .Net and .Net Core NuGet package.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your words of recommendation about me reach me. And, when I say "reach me", I don't me via you. I mean via other people talking about you and on your behalf.
Thanks again.


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
About Desktop Clock
This is a basic WPF program which displays the data and time so it is readable from a distance. Desktop Clock uses a NuGet package called This allows the program to look like a Windows 10 UWP program. The most notable aspects being the translucent chrome and the highlighting of near-by buttons.
Screenshot 1 Desktop Clock is a WPF program which looks like a UWP program.Publishing Information
If you would like to use, it you will need to build from the source code provided. I did not want to mess around with ClickOnce or any other packaging mechanism.
With it being a WPF program, it can run on Windows 7 and 8 machines.
Future Plans
I do not intend to take this any further. It is a simple program which I have running 247, floating about on the screen. It sits there and does what I need it to do. Anything else seems like overkill and I do not find myself wanting it to do something extra. Therefore, if you want something adding to it, I recommend you fork it.
Desktop Clock is  available on GitHub. Feel free to check it out, download it or fork it


@ -51,10 +51,18 @@
<Import Project="$(FSharpTargetsPath)" />
<Content Include="TextFiles\desktop-clock-info.txt" />
<Content Include="TextFiles\console-waterworks-announcement.txt" />
<Content Include="packages.config" />
<Compile Include="AssemblyInfo.fs" />
<Compile Include="Library1.fs" />
<Compile Include="SystemServices.fs" />
<Compile Include="DataAccess.fs" />
<Compile Include="DataCleaning.fs" />
<Compile Include="DataProcessing.fs" />
<Compile Include="DataStructuring.fs" />
<Compile Include="DataServices.fs" />
<Compile Include="ProductServices.fs" />
<None Include="Script.fsx" />
<Content Include="packages.config" />
<Reference Include="mscorlib" />


@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
using Console.Waterworks;
using Console.Waterworks.Attributes;
using System;
using WetPancake;
//using WetPancake;
using static System.Environment;
namespace WetPancakeCLI
public static class ConsoleCommands
[Description("Prints a test messge to the console.")]
[Usage("> Test")]
public static string Test() => "SUCCESS: Console.Waterworks is wired into Wet Pancake CLI.";
[Description("Lists out the commands this program offers.")]
[Usage("> Help")]
public static string Help() => new CW_Liaison().RequestHelpDocumentation("WetPancakeCLI");
[Description("Exits out of the program.")]
[Usage("> Exit")]
public static void Exit() => Environment.Exit(ExitCode);
[Description("Generates random text, the number of sentences generated is determined by the user.")]
[Parameters("int: sentenences")]
[Usage("> GenerateRandomText")]
public static string GenerateRandomText(int sentences)
var result = Pancake.RequestRandomText;
return result;
public static string test1()
return "This is a test method for quickly testing things out";


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Console.Waterworks;
namespace WetPancakeCLI
@ -10,6 +6,8 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
static void Main(string[] args)
var liaison = new CW_Liaison();
liaison.Run("WetPancakeCLI", true);


@ -31,7 +31,13 @@
<Reference Include="Console.Waterworks, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
@ -42,11 +48,22 @@
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Compile Include="ConsoleCommands.cs" />
<Compile Include="Program.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<None Include="App.config" />
<None Include="packages.config" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\WetPancake\WetPancake.fsproj">
<Content Include="wet-pancake.ico" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />


@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Console.Waterworks" version="" targetFramework="net471" />


Binary file not shown.


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