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Added urls for images in Read Me. (Ooops)

Craig Oates 6 years ago
  1. 14


@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ Wet Pancake is a NuGet package which generates random text. The solution, also,
This project started out as a test project. It was not my intention for it to grow to what it is now (granted, it is still not massive.) At first, I wanted to see how well the [Console.Waterworks]( NuGet package worked with F# libraries. This meant I needed to learn F#. To do this, I used [FsMarkov]( as a reference/goal to work towards. Because of these factors, the codebase has taken the shape it has. It did not start off with the best development practices. And, the fact, it is now a [NuGet]( package, is a goal which came somewhat after the initial playing period. So, if you find yourself wanting to scream at me for glaring and obvious mistakes, please be kind. Thanks.
![Image of the CLI generating text]()
![Image of the CLI generating text](.github/Images/cli-generating-text.png)
## Wet Pancake: Solution
The solution consists of three projects. They are WetPancake (NuGet package), WetPancakeCLI and TestCentre.
![Image of the solution's structure]()
![Image of the solution's structure](.github/Images/solution-structure.png)
### WetPancake (Library/NuGet Package)
### Wet Pancake (Library/NuGet Package)
This is a F# library project, using .Net 4.7. You can install this package from two places:
@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ PM> Install-Package Wet-Pancake -Version <insert package here>
For further information about this project, please visit the [wiki](
### WetPancakeCLI
### Wet Pancake CLI
This project is a C# console program, using .Net 4.7. You use it by entering commands and awaiting the result. It uses [Console.Waterworks]( to parse the commands so, if you want to extend it, I recommend you read its [wiki]( If you want to get going straight away, I recommend using *GenerateRandomText*. For more commands, you can either type *Help* into the console or visit the [wiki](
![Image of the GenerateRandomText in use]()
![Image of the GenerateRandomText in use](.github/Images/generate-random-text-example.png)
### TestCentre
### Test Centre
This project holds all the tests for this solution. If uses a combination of unit tests ([XUnit]()) and property tests ([FsCheck]()). If you are unfamiliar with either of them, click on their links for more information. Also, all the tests are accessible in Visual Studio's Test Explorer. This means you can identify failing tests with ease.
![Image of VS's Test Explorer]()
![Image of VS's Test Explorer](.github/Images/test-explorer-example.png)
## How to Contribute
