Browse Source

Rmoved the "contains a full stop" unit tests.

Began updating tests to £ends with the correct end-token".
Added a endsAsIntended helper function in unit tests.
Craig Oates 6 years ago
  1. 64


@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
|> Array.length
(count - 1) // Split creates an extra (empty) item at end.
let ``CleanResult returns a string with a full stop`` () =
let result =
Pancake.CleanResult (DefaultSentenceCount()) DefaultTestSentence
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let private endsAsIntended (text: string) =
match text.Chars (text.Length - 1) with
| '.' -> true
| '!' -> true
| '?' -> true
| _ -> false
let ``CleanResult returns intended number of sentences`` () =
@ -196,60 +196,20 @@
Assert.Equal(desiredSentencesCount, result)
let ``RequestRandomText returns a string which contains a full stop`` () =
let ``RequestRandomText returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestRandomTextAsync ()
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
|> endsAsIntended
let ``RequestText returns a string which contains a full stop`` () =
let ``RequestText returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput())
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which contains a full stop when using console-waterworks-announcement`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) ConsoleWaterworks
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which contains a full stop when using desktop-clock-info`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) DesktopClock
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which contains a full stop when using test-post`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) TestPost
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which contains a full stop when using word-generator`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) WordGenerator
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.Contains(".", result)
let ``RequestRandomText returns a string which ends with a full stop`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestRandomTextAsync ()
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.EndsWith(".", result)
let ``RequestText returns a string which ends with a full stop`` () =
let result =
Pancake.RequestTextAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput())
|> Async.RunSynchronously
Assert.EndsWith(".", result)
|> endsAsIntended
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which ends with a full stop when using console-waterworks-announcement`` () =
