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Added ValidateFile command-method.

I updated the "generate text from file" command-methods to include the new validation functionality.
Craig Oates 6 years ago
  1. 197


@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
static FSharpOption<TaskCreationOptions> _taskCreationOptions = FSharpOption<TaskCreationOptions>.None;
static FSharpOption<CancellationToken> _cancellationToken = FSharpOption<CancellationToken>.None;
#region Console Utilities
[Description("Prints a test message to the console.")]
@ -37,17 +38,74 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
[Usage("> Exit")]
public static void Exit() => Environment.Exit(ExitCode);
#region Wet Pancake Utilities
[Description("Generates random text, the number of sentences generated is randomly determined.")]
[Usage("> GenerateRandomText")]
public static string GenerateRandomText()
"Checks to see if the string matches the desired sentence count and removes any over that limit.\n" +
"If the string has less sentences than the number requested, it will not change.\n" +
"Sentences must be greater than 0 and text must contain at least 1 \".\" \"?\" \"!\"")]
[Parameters("sentences: int, text: string")]
[Usage("> CleanText 1 \"This is a test sentence. And, this one needs to be removed.\"")]
public static string CleanText(int sentences, string text)
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0", "sentences");
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestRandomTextAsync(), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
(CleanResultAsync(sentences, text), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
[Description("Returns a list of all the available .txt files built-in to Wet Pancake.")]
[Usage("> RequestAllTemplateFiles")]
public static string RequestAllTemplateFiles()
WriteLine("Attempting to list out the available template files...");
var files = FSharpAsync.StartAsTask(RequestAllTemplateFilesAsync(), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
foreach (var item in files)
WriteLine($"File path: {item}");
return "Listing complete.";
catch (Exception e)
[Description("Checks the text in the specified .txt file to see if it ")]
[Parameters("filePath: string")]
[Usage("> ValidateFile \"C:/your-file.txt\"")]
public static string ValidateFile(string filePath)
WriteLine("Validating file. Please wait...");
var extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
if (string.Equals(extension, ".txt"))
var isValid =
_taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
return $"Is Valid: {isValid}";
throw new FileLoadException("The file entered is not a plain text (.txt) file.", filePath);
catch (Exception e)
@ -55,28 +113,30 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
#region Text Generation
[Description("Generates text using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"This command does not run the result through the extra \"cleaning\" process like GenerateCleanText.\n" +
"This means this command is faster but it might produce an extra sentence on the odd occasion.\n" +
"Use this if you prefer speed over accuracy.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20."
"Generates text using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
"Use this if you cannot tolerate the odd extra sentence.\n" +
"With that said, it does mean it is slower than its GenerateText counterpart.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int")]
[Usage("> GenerateText 5 10")]
public static string GenerateText(int gibberishLevel, int sentences)
[Usage("> GenerateCleanText 5 10")]
public static string GenerateCleanText(int gibberishLevel, int sentences)
if (gibberishLevel < 2 || gibberishLevel > 20)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-level");
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-Level");
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0.", "sentences");
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestTextAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
(RequestCleanTextAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -86,28 +146,31 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
[Description("Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"This command does not run the result through the extra \"cleaning\" process like GenerateCleanTextFromFile.\n" +
"This means this command is faster but it might produce an extra sentence on the odd occasion.\n" +
"Use this if you prefer speed over accuracy.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
"Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it," +
"using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
"Use this if you cannot tolerate the odd extra sentence.\n" +
"With that said, it does mean it is slower than its GenerateTextFromFile counterpart.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, file path: string")]
[Usage("> GenerateTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateTextFromFile(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath)
[Usage("> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateCleanTextFromFile(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath)
if (gibberishLevel < 2 || gibberishLevel > 20)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-level");
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-Level");
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0.", "sentences");
if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) != ".txt")
var extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
if (string.Equals(extension, ".txt") != true)
throw new FileLoadException
("The file entered is not a plain text (.txt) file.", filePath);
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
(RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -117,20 +180,15 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
[Description("Returns a list of all the available .txt files built-in to Wet Pancake.")]
[Description("Generates random text, the number of sentences generated is randomly determined.")]
[Usage("> RequestAllTemplateFiles")]
public static string RequestAllTemplateFiles()
[Usage("> GenerateRandomText")]
public static string GenerateRandomText()
WriteLine("Attempting to list out the available template files...");
var files = FSharpAsync.StartAsTask(RequestAllTemplateFilesAsync(), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
foreach (var item in files)
WriteLine($"File path: {item}");
return "Listing complete.";
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestRandomTextAsync(), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -140,25 +198,26 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
[Description("Generates text using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
"Use this if you cannot tolerate the odd extra sentence.\n" +
"With that said, it does mean it is slower than its GenerateText counterpart.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
"Generates text using the gibberish-level and number of sentences specified by the user.\n" +
"This command does not run the result through the extra \"cleaning\" process like GenerateCleanText.\n" +
"This means this command is faster but it might produce an extra sentence on the odd occasion.\n" +
"Use this if you prefer speed over accuracy.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int")]
[Usage("> GenerateCleanText 5 10")]
public static string GenerateCleanText(int gibberishLevel, int sentences)
[Usage("> GenerateText 5 10")]
public static string GenerateText(int gibberishLevel, int sentences)
if (gibberishLevel < 2 || gibberishLevel > 20)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-Level");
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-level");
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0.", "sentences");
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestCleanTextAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
(RequestTextAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -168,50 +227,35 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
[Description("Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it, using the gibberish-level and number of specified by the user.\n" +
"The result goes through an extra \"cleaning\" process to remove any artefact sentences.\n" +
"Use this if you cannot tolerate the odd extra sentence.\n" +
"With that said, it does mean it is slower than its GenerateTextFromFile counterpart.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
"Loads the specified .txt file and generates text based on it using the gibberish-level and number of sentencesspecifiedby the user.\n" +
"This command does not run the result through the extra \"cleaning\" process like GenerateCleanTextFromFile.\n" +
"This means this command is faster but it might produce an extra sentence on the odd occasion.\n" +
"Use this if you prefer speed over accuracy.\n" +
"Gibberish-level must be between 2 and 20.")]
[Parameters("gibberish-level: int, sentences: int, file path: string")]
[Usage("> GenerateCleanTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateCleanTextFromFile(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath)
[Usage("> GenerateTextFromFile 3 6 C:/yourfile.txt")]
public static string GenerateTextFromFile(int gibberishLevel, int sentences, string filePath)
if (gibberishLevel < 2 || gibberishLevel > 20)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-Level");
("Invalid argument. Must be between 2 and 20 (inclusive).", "gibberish-level");
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException
("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0.", "sentences");
if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) != ".txt")
var extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
if (string.Equals(extension, ".txt") != true)
throw new FileLoadException
("The file entered is not a plain text (.txt) file.", filePath);
var fileIsValid =
_taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
if (fileIsValid == false)
throw new Exception("The .txt does not contain a vaild end token ('.', '!' or '?').");
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
[Description("Checks to see if the string matches the desired sentence count and removes any over that limit.\n" +
"If the string has less sentences than the number requested, it will not change.\n" +
"Sentences must be greater than 0 and text must contain at least 1 \".\" \"?\" \"!\"")]
[Parameters("sentences: int, text: string")]
[Usage("> CleanText 1 \"This is a test sentence. And, this one needs to be removed.\"")]
public static string CleanText(int sentences, string text)
if (sentences < 1)
throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid argument. Must be greater than 0", "sentences");
return FSharpAsync.StartAsTask
(CleanResultAsync(sentences, text), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
(RequestTextFromFileAsync(gibberishLevel, sentences, filePath), _taskCreationOptions, _cancellationToken).Result;
catch (Exception e)
@ -219,5 +263,6 @@ namespace WetPancakeCLI
