The purpose of this repository is to provide a way for people to generate random "placeholder text" -- with a Markov Chain.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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module PropertyTests
open FsCheck
open global.Xunit
open FsCheck.Xunit
open WetPancake
open TestingConstants
open System.Diagnostics
open Helpers
open InputGeneration
module ``Contents Test`` =
let ``CleanResult returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.CleanResultAsync (DefaultSentenceCount()) DefaultTestSentence
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``CleanResult returns intended number of sentences`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (DefaultSentenceCount())
let test () =
Pancake.CleanResultAsync desiredSentencesCount DefaultTestSentence
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestAllTemplateFiles does not return an empty list`` () =
let test () = Pancake.RequestAllTemplateFiles ()
List.isEmpty (test ()) = false
let ``RequestCleanText returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) 4
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestCleanText returns intended number of sentences`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (ValidSentencesInput())
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) desiredSentencesCount
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns a string which ends with the correct end-token when using console-waterworks-announcement`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) ConsoleWaterworks
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns a string which ends with the correct end-token when using desktop-clock-info`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) DesktopClock
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns a string which ends with the correct end-token when using test-post`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) TestPost
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns a string which ends with the correct end-token when using word-generator`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) WordGenerator
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns intended number of strings when using console-waterworks-announcement`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (ValidSentencesInput())
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) desiredSentencesCount ConsoleWaterworks
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns intended number of strings when using desktop-clock-info`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (ValidSentencesInput())
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) desiredSentencesCount DesktopClock
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns intended number of strings when using test-post`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (ValidSentencesInput())
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) desiredSentencesCount TestPost
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestCleanTextFromFile returns intended number of strings when using word-generator`` () =
let desiredSentencesCount = (ValidSentencesInput())
let test () =
Pancake.RequestCleanTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) desiredSentencesCount WordGenerator
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> CountSentences
test () = desiredSentencesCount
let ``RequestRandomText returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestRandomTextAsync ()
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestText returns a string which ends with the correct end-token`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestTextAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput())
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which ends with with the correct end-token when using console-waterwork-announcement`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) ConsoleWaterworks
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which ends with with the correct end-token when using desktop-clock-info`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) DesktopClock
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which ends with with the correct end-token when using test-post`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) TestPost
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``RequestTextFromFile returns a string which ends withwith the correct end-token when using word-generator`` () =
let test () =
Pancake.RequestTextFromFileAsync (ValidGibberishLevelInput()) (ValidSentencesInput()) WordGenerator
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> EndsAsIntended
test () = true
let ``TextInFileIsValid returns true when processing the text in the template files`` () =
(* The template .txt files validity have been tested above.
This test is to for the function, not the .txt files.
Something has gone wrong if there are not quite a lot of explicit template file tests above.
This is why the .txt files are called at random and not broken down into seperate tests. *)
let test () =
Pancake.TextInFileIsValidAsync (ValidFileInput())
|> Async.RunSynchronously
test () = true