A website built in Common Lisp using Caveman2 as its framework. It is based on a collection of tutorials written by hyotang666. Those tutorials are based on chapters from the book 'Basic Ruby on Rails'. hyotang666 ported the Ruby code to Common Lisp.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
3.9 KiB

(defpackage #:rails-to-caveman.helpers
(:use #:cl
;; #:dexador
(:shadowing-import-from #:dexador
(:export #:*doc*))
(in-package #:rails-to-caveman.helpers)
(defvar *doc* (plump:parse
(dexador:get "https://www.w3.org/protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html")))
(defun constant-forms()
(mapcon (lambda(list)
(when (equal "h3" (plump:tag-name (car list)))
(let*((position (position "h3"
(cdr list)
:test #'equal
:key #'plump:tag-name))
(ps (subseq (cdr list) 0 position))
(h3 (loop :for element
:across (plump:children (car list))
:when (plump:text-node-p element)
:collect (plump:text element)
:into result
:finally (return
(string-trim " "
(apply #'concatenate 'string result)))))
(multiple-value-bind (match-p start)
(ppcre:scan "^[0-9][0-9][0-9]" h3)
(if (and match-p (not (eql 306
(setf code (parse-integer h3
:junk-allowed t)))))
`((defconstant ,(read-from-string (format nil "+~A+"
(substitute #\- #\space(string-trim
" "
(ppcre::nsubseq h3 start)))))
,code ,(string-trim '(#\newline #\space)
(remove #\return
(apply #'concatenate 'string
(mapcar #'plump:text ps)))))))))))
(let* ((vector (plump:child-elements (aref (clss:select "body" *doc*)0)))
(position (position "h3" vector :test #'equal
:key #'plump:tag-name)))
(coerce (subseq vector position)'list))))
(defun thunk() (let ((list (constant-forms)))
(format t "~&~(~S~)"
`(in-package :cl-user))
(format t "~&~(~S~)"
`(defpackage #:rfc2616-sec10 (:use :cl)
(:nicknames #:status-code)
(:export ,@(mapcar #'cadr list))))
(format t "~&~(~S~)" `(in-package #:rfc2616-sec10))
(format t "~{~&~%~S~}" list)))
(defmacro with-authenticity-check ((&rest check*) &body body)
(labels ((rec (list)
(if(endp list)
`(progn ,@body)
(body (caar list)
(cadar list)
(cdr list))))
(body (key value rest)
(ecase key (:token
`(if (not (string= ,value (token)))
(throw-code status-code:+forbidden+)
,(rec rest)))
(:logged-in `(if (not(hermetic:logged-in-p))
(throw-code status-code:+unauthorized+)
,(rec rest))))))
(rec (mapcar #'alexandria:ensure-list check*))))
(defmacro ensure-let ((&rest bind*) &body body)
(labels ((rec(binds)
(if (endp binds)
`(progn ,@body)
(body (car binds)(cdr binds))))
(body (bind rest)
`(let (,bind)
(if (null ,(car bind))
(myway:next-route) ,(rec rest))))) (rec bind*)))
(defgeneric update-instance (object &rest args))
(defmethod update-instance ((object standard-object )&rest args)
(loop :with initargs = (loop :for key :in args :by #'cddr :collect key)
:for slot :in (c2mop:class-slots (class-of object))
:for keys = (intersection (c2mop:slot-definition-initargs slot) initargs)
:when (and keys (or (null (cdr keys)) (error "Dupcated initargs ~S"keys)))
:do (let ((value (getf args(car keys))))
(unless (equal "" value)
(setf (slot-value object
(c2mop:slot-definition-name slot))
(define-method-combination validate()
((primary (validate) :required t))
(if (endp (cdr methods))
`(call-method ,(car methods) nil)
`(multiple-value-bind(o e),(rec (cdr methods))
(values o (append e (nth-value 1 (call-method ,(car methods) nil))))))))
(rec primary)))
(defgeneric validate(object &key target-slots test)
(:method-combination validate))
(defmacro method-case (method &rest clauses)
(let ((var (gensym"VAR")))
`(let ((,var ,method))
(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda(clause)
`((string= ,(car clause),var),@(cdr clause)))
(t (throw-code status-code:+method-not-allowed+))))))