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end of session commit (started adding routes and about.html).

I am in the middle of writing out the routes (I have already added an
about.hmtl page). I still need to finish it but it is late and time to
go home for some sleep.
Craig Oates 2 years ago
  1. 68
  2. 1


@ -26,6 +26,74 @@
(defroute "/" ()
(render #P"index.html"))
(defroute "/about" ()
(render #P"about.html" '(:page-title "About")))
(defroute "/hello/:name" (&key name)
;; Substitutes `:name' with `name'.
(format nil "Hello, ~A" name))
(defroute "/say/*/to/*" (&key splat)
;; If route is /say/hello/to/world (in the browser). It will match
;; to /say/hello/to/world. 'hello' and 'world' are the wildcard
;; values in this example.
(format nil "~A" splat))
(defroute ("/hello/([\\w]+)" :regexp t) (&key captures)
;; Parse the second part of the URL via a regular expression
;; (regexp). The result of the parsed regexp text is stored in
;; `captures', hence the use of 'first' in the format string.
(format nil "Hello, ~A!" (first captures)))
(defroute "/hello/?:name?" (&key name)
;; Generates two types of routes:
;; 1. /hello/earth
;; 2. /hello?NAME=earth
;; The query string must be in UPPERCASE. Otherwise, the `name' will
;; be bound to `nil'.
(format nil "Hello, ~A" name))
(defroute "/hello/?:name?" (&key |name|)
;; If you want the query string in lowercase, enclose `name' (in
;; this case) with vertical bars '|'. This will force you to have
;; only one route (unlike the route above). `NAME' will now bind to
;; `nil'.
;; 1. /hello?name=earth
;; 2. /hello?NAME=earth <--- no longer works ('earth' binds to nil).
;; 3. /hello/earth <--- no longer works
(format nil "Hello, ~A" |name|))
(defroute "/lesson/step*/:name" (&key splat name)
;; Directory style: Working with Parameters.
;; Example URL: /lesson/step1/Sato
(case (parse-integer (car splat) :junk-allowed t)
(1 (format nil "Hello, ~A" name))))
(defroute "/lesson/step*" (&key splat (|name| "Anonymous"))
;; 'Anonymous' is the default value for `|name|'.
;; Query style: Working with Parameters.
;; Example URL: lesson/step1?name=Sato
(case (parse-integer (car splat) :junk-allowed t)
(1 (format nil "Hello, ~A" |name|))))
(defroute "/lesson/step*" (&key splat name)
;; If /lesson/step1 is used, it will be redirected to /lesson/step2,
;; then /lesson/step3 and finally /lesson/step4. No matter where you
;; start (along as it is below 4), the redirects will always take
;; you wot /lesson/step4.
;; The example includes `name' but it is never used. I am keeping it
;; here for consistency between the reference material and this code
;; base.
(case (parse-integer (car splat) :junk-allowed t)
(1 '(302 (:location "/lesson/step2")))
(2 '(302 (:location "/lesson/step3")))
(3 '(302 (:location "/lesson/step4")))
(4 "Moved to step4")))
;; Error pages


@ -0,0 +1 @@
<p>This is a demo of caveman2.</p>