;;;; ritherdon-rest-tests.lisp (in-package #:ritherdon-rest-tests) (def-suite all-tests :description "The master suite of all ritherdon-rest tests.") (in-suite all-tests) ;; These two examples show the 'full' call to the fiveAm test ;; functions. This is just for reference. The 'namespace' is already ;; 'imported' in 'package.lisp'. ;; (fiveam:test sum-1 ;; (fiveam:is (= 3 (+ 1 2)))) ;; (fiveam:run!) ;; How you would normally create the tests -- with fiveAM already ;; set-up in 'package.lisp' and not needing to be explicit about it ;; here. This is similar to 'using static' in C#. (defun test-quasi() (run! 'all-tests)) (test dummy-tests "Just a placeholder." (is (listp (list 1 2))) (is (= 5 (+ 2 3))) (is (< 4 (+ 100 400)))) (test dummy-tests-two "This is another placeholder test. This is just to make sure everything is set-up properly." (is (equal 4 4)))