using EyesAndEars.UWP.Models; using EyesAndEars.UWP.ViewModels; using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace EyesAndEars.UWP.Services { public static class DataServices { public static async Task UpdateFactoryDevice(int deviceId) { // This should cause an error right now -- deliberate for error checking. var t = await WebServices.GetLightReading("ht", deviceId); // Need to map the json result to the models and display in view. return new FactoryDevice(); } public static async Task UpdateGalleryDevice(int deviceId) { // This should cause an error right now -- deliberate for error checking. var t = await WebServices.GetLightReading("ht", deviceId); // Need to map the json result to the models and display in view. return new GalleryDevice(); } public static MainPageVM CreateFallBackViewModel() { // "999" and "-" are acting as sentinals in this context. var r = new LightReading(0, 999, DateTime.Now); var s = new DeviceStatus(0, "-", DateTime.Now); var fD1 = new FactoryDevice(1, r, s); var fD2 = new FactoryDevice(2, r, s); var fD3 = new FactoryDevice(3, r, s); var gD1 = new GalleryDevice(4, s); var gD2 = new GalleryDevice(5, s); var gD3 = new GalleryDevice(6, s); var vm = new MainPageVM(); vm.FactoryDevice1 = fD1; vm.FactoryDevice2 = fD2; vm.FactoryDevice3 = fD3; vm.GalleryDevice1 = gD1; vm.GalleryDevice2 = gD2; vm.GalleryDevice3 = gD3; return vm; } } }