#!/bin/bash # Auto Start # ================================================================ # This script is used to start the roaming-light-relay controller # when the Raspberry Pi is turned on. The main thing is does is # activate the projects virtual environment before running the # actual program in this project. This file is referenced in # /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart. The file just referenced # is a Raspbian specific file and I have found it to do what I want # better than using crontab -- like traditional Linux set-ups. # Refer to your Roaming Light: Project Notes file for more info. # IT IS ASSUMED THIS FILE IS IN THE PROJECTS ROOT FOLDER. # IT WILL NOT WORK AS INTENDED OUTWISE. source /home/pi/repos/roaming-light-relay/proj-env/bin/activate python3 /home/pi/repos/roaming-light-relay/relay.py