Public archive for the Return to Ritherdon project.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1840 lines
74 KiB

(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:ritherdon-archive.web
(:use #:cl
#:status-codes ; (HTTP Status Codes)
(:export #:*web*))
(in-package #:ritherdon-archive.web)
;; for @route annotation
(syntax:use-syntax :annot)
;; Application
(defclass <web> (<app>) ())
(defvar *web* (make-instance '<web>))
(clear-routing-rules *web*)
;; Routing rules
(defroute "/" ()
(cond ((not (uiop:file-exists-p (ritherdon-archive.config:database-name)))
(redirect "/setup"))
((string= "archive" (site-settings::home-page-of (nera:get-site-settings)))
(redirect "/archive"))
((string= "login" (site-settings::home-page-of (nera:get-site-settings)))
(redirect "/login"))
((string= "pages" (site-settings::home-page-of (nera:get-site-settings)))
(redirect "/pages"))
((string= "search" (site-settings::home-page-of (nera:get-site-settings)))
(redirect "/search"))
((string= "sign-up" (site-settings::home-page-of (nera:get-site-settings)))
(redirect "/sign-up"))
(t (render #P"index.html"
(append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,(utils:get-and-reset-alert)
:nav-menu ,(nera:nav-menu-slugs)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:content ,(storage:open-text-file
"" "pages"
(defroute "/setup" ()
;; If there is no database, there is no user, hence no more checks.
(cond ((not (uiop:file-exists-p (ritherdon-archive.config:database-name)))
(render #P"initial-setup.html" `(:token ,(auth:csrf-token))))
(t `(,+service-unavailable+ (:location "/")))))
(defroute ("/run-setup" :method :POST) ()
(destructuring-bind (&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
((uiop:file-exists-p (ritherdon-archive.config:database-name))
`(,+service-unavailable+ (:location "/")))
(t (nera-db:init-db
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
;; Redirect to /setup-complete?
(utils:set-alert "All set-up. Log-in to continue." "created")
(redirect "/login")))))
(defroute ("/sign-up" :method :GET) ()
(if (= +false+ (site-settings::enable-sign-up-p (nera:get-site-settings)))
(utils:set-alert "This feature has been disabled." "warning")
(redirect "/"))
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Hermetic Authorised (Logged in users can't sign-up).
"You need to be signed out to create a new account."
(redirect "/dashboard"))
;; Hermetic Not Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "sign-up.html"
`(:token ,(auth:csrf-token)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:alert ,alert))))))
(defroute ("/sign-up" :method :POST) ()
(&key username display-name password password-check
authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
((not (null (nera:get-user username)))
(utils:set-alert "Username already taken." "warning")
(redirect "/sign-up"))
((not (string= password password-check))
(utils:set-alert "Passwords don't match." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/sign-up"))
((find t (mapcar
`(,username ,display-name ,password)))
(utils:set-alert "Incomplete form. Please fill out every section."
(redirect "/sign-up"))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised (Logged in user can't sign-up).
(progn (utils:set-alert "Logged in users are not allowed to create account."
(redirect "/dashboard"))
;; Not Authorised
(nera-db:create-user username display-name password +false+)
(utils:set-alert "Account created." "created")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/login" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(redirect "/dashboard")
;; Not Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "user/log-in.html"
`(:token ,(auth:csrf-token)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:alert ,alert)))))
(defroute ("/login" :method :POST) ()
(&key username password authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(let ((params (list :|username| username :|password| password)))
;; Successful log-in attempt.
;; Set session Id. to the logged in user.
(gethash :id ningle:*session*) (nera:get-user-id username)
;; Set the users password (for session)
(gethash :password ningle:*session*) password)
(redirect "/dashboard"))
;; Failed log-in attempt.
(progn (utils:set-alert "Incorrect details provided."
(redirect "/login"))
;; No user found.
(progn (utils:set-alert "Can't find that user."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/logout" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Successful log-out.
(progn (auth:flash-gethash :id ningle:*session*)
(redirect "/"))
;; Failed log-out
(progn (utils:set-alert "Error: Unable to log out."
(redirect "/")))))))
(defroute ("/dashboard" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"user/dashboard.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
,(nera:latest-storage-editted-files 5 t)
:pages ,(nera:latest-editted-pages 5 t)
,(nera::latest-archive-editted-entries 5 t)
,(first (diskspace:list-all-disk-info t))
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/site-settings" :method :GET) ()
;; Authorised
(render #P"user/site-settings.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,(utils:get-and-reset-alert)
:pages ,(nera:get-all-pages)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:site-wide-snippet ,(storage:open-text-file
"" "snippets" "site-wide-snippet.html")
;; Should this be replaced by `SYSTEM-DATA'?
:settings ,(nera:get-site-settings))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-sign-up" :method :POST) ()
(&key enable-sign-up authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(nera:update-enable-sign-on-settings enable-sign-up)
(utils:set-alert "Enable Sign-Up setting updated." "success")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-nav-menu" :method :POST) (&key _parsed)
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(nera:update-nav-menu (cdr (assoc "NAV-MENU" _parsed :test #'string=)))
(utils:set-alert "Nav. menu updated." "success")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-home-page" :method :POST) ()
(&key set-home-page authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(cond ((or (string= set-home-page "Select Page")
(validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? set-home-page))
(utils:set-alert "No value provided. Home page not changed."
(redirect "/site-settings"))
(nera:set-home-page set-home-page)
(utils:set-alert "Home page set." "success")
(redirect "/site-settings")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-site-name" :method :POST) ()
(&key site-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? site-name)
(utils:set-alert "No value provided. Site name not changed."
(redirect "/site-settings"))
(nera:update-site-name site-name)
(utils:set-alert "Site name updated." "success")
(redirect "/site-settings")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-code-snippet" :method :POST) ()
(&key code-snippet authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
"" "snippets" "site-wide-snippet.html" code-snippet)
(utils:set-alert "Site-Wide snippet updated." "success")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-favicon" :method :POST) ()
(&key favicon-file authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? (cadr favicon-file))
(utils:set-alert "No file provided. Favicon not uploaded."
(redirect "/site-settings"))
((not (str:contains?
"image" (caddr favicon-file) :ignore-case t))
(utils:set-alert "Uploaded file is not an image." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
(t (storage:store-with-raw-path
"static/images/favicon.png" favicon-file)
(utils:set-alert "Favicon saved." "success")
(format nil "convert ~a -resize 192x192\\> ~a"
(redirect "/site-settings")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-enable-site-logo" :method :POST) ()
(&key enable-site-logo authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(nera:update-enable-site-logo-setting enable-site-logo)
(utils:set-alert "Enable Site Logo setting saved."
(redirect "/site-settings"))
;; Not Authorised
"You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/site-settings/update-site-logo" :method :POST) ()
(&key site-logo authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? (cadr site-logo))
(utils:set-alert "No file provided. Site logo not uploaded."
(redirect "/site-settings"))
((not (str:contains?
"image" (caddr site-logo) :ignore-case t))
(utils:set-alert "Uploaded file is not an image." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
(t (storage:store-with-raw-path
"static/images/site-logo.png" site-logo)
(utils:set-alert "Site logo saved." "success")
(format nil "convert ~a -resize 500x500\\> ~a"
(redirect "/site-settings")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/users" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:administrator)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"user/index.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:users ,(nera:get-all-users)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/user/admin/create" :method :POST) ()
(&key username display-name password password-check
authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
((not (string= password password-check))
(utils:set-alert "Passwords don't match." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/users"))
((find t (mapcar
`(,username ,display-name ,password)))
(utils:set-alert "Incomplete form. Please fill out every section."
(redirect "/users"))
((not (null (nera:get-user username)))
(utils:set-alert "Username already taken." "warning")
(redirect "/users"))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(nera-db:create-user username display-name password +false+)
(utils:set-alert "Account created." "created")
(redirect "/users"))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view that page."
(redirect "/")))))))
(defroute ("/user/edit" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"user/edit.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/user/edit/display-name" :method :POST) ()
(&key display-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? display-name)
(utils:set-alert "Display name not entered." "missing-data")
(redirect "/user/edit"))
(t (nera-db:update-user
(user::username-of (auth:get-current-user))
:display-name display-name :new-password nil)
(utils:set-alert "Display name updated." "success")
(redirect "/dashboard")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/user/edit/password" :method :POST) ()
(&key new-password password-check authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar
`(,new-password ,password-check)))
"Missing new password data. Make sure both password boxes are filled out."
(redirect "/user/edit"))
((not (string= new-password password-check))
(utils:set-alert "Passwords don't match." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/user/edit"))
(t (nera-db:update-user
(user::username-of (auth:get-current-user))
:display-name nil :new-password new-password)
(utils:set-alert "Password updated." "success")
(redirect "/dashboard")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/user/admin/edit-password" :method :POST) ()
(&key username password authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? username)
(utils:set-alert "Username not provided. No change made."
(redirect "/users"))
((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? password)
(utils:set-alert "Password not provided. No change made."
(redirect "/users"))
((null (nera:get-user username))
(utils:set-alert "Unable to find user. Unable to delete account"
(redirect "/users"))
(t (nera:update-user
(user::username-of (nera:get-user username))
:new-password password)
(utils:set-alert "Password changed." "success")
(redirect "/users")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view that page."
(redirect "/")))))))
(defroute ("/user/admin/delete" :method :POST) ()
(&key username authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? username)
(utils:set-alert "Username not provided. Unable to delete account."
(redirect "/users"))
((null (nera:get-user username))
(utils:set-alert "Unable to find user. Unable to delete account"
(redirect "/users"))
(t (nera:delete-user
(user::username-of (nera:get-user username)))
(utils:set-alert "Account deleted." "success")
(redirect "/users")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/user/delete" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token delete-account-check &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? delete-account-check)
"No username entered. Account not deleted."
(redirect "/user/edit"))
((not (string= delete-account-check
"Wrong username entered. Account not deleted."
(redirect "/user/edit"))
(user::username-of (auth:get-current-user)))
;; Successful log-out -- after account deleted
;; Session data cleared.
(progn (auth:flash-gethash :id ningle:*session*)
(redirect "/"))
;; Failed log-out -- after account deleted
;; Session data persits.
(progn (utils:set-alert
"Unable to delete session data." "error")
(redirect "/"))))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/create/page" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/create-page.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/create/page" :method :POST) ()
(&key title page-content authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? title)
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert "Title not provided. Unable to save page."
:title ,title
:data ,page-content))))
((storage:file-exists-p "" "pages" (utils:slugify title))
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert "Page with that title already exists. Unable to save page."
:title ,title
:data ,page-content))))
(t (storage:store-text
"" ; `USERNAME' blank because it's not used/needed.
(utils:slugify title)
(nera:create-page title (utils:slugify title) +false+ +true+)
(utils:set-alert "Page created." "created")
(redirect "/dashboard")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/user/pages" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/pages.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:pages ,(nera:get-all-pages)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/pages" :method :GET) ()
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"pages.html"
(append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:pages ,(nera:get-all-pages))))))
(defroute ("/view/page/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(if (storage:file-exists-p "" "pages" slug)
(render #P"page.html"
(append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,alert
:db-data ,(nera:get-page slug)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:data ,(storage:open-text-file
"" "pages" slug))))
(on-exception *web* 404))))
(defroute ("/edit/page/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/edit-page.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:db-data ,(nera:get-page slug)
:data ,(storage:open-text-file
"" "pages" slug)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/edit/page" :method :POST) ()
(&key slug page-content authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
(utils:set-alert "Page cannot be found." "missing-data")
(redirect "/user/pages"))
(t (storage:store-text
"" ; `USERNAME' blank because it's not used/needed.
"pages" slug page-content)
(utils:set-alert "Page updated." "success")
(redirect "/user/pages")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/rename/page" :method :POST) ()
(&key id slug new-title authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find file. Unable to save changes."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? new-title)
(utils:set-alert "No title provided. Unable to save changes."
(redirect (format nil "/edit/page/~a" slug)))
((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? id)
(utils:set-alert "No Id. found. Cannot find page in database."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
(t (storage:rename-content-file
"pages" slug (utils:slugify new-title))
(nera:update-page id new-title (utils:slugify new-title))
(utils:set-alert "File name changed." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/page/~a"
(utils:slugify new-title)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/page/set-nav-menu" :method :POST) ()
(&key slug show-in-nav authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find page in database."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
(t (nera:update-single-nav-menu-item
slug (if (null show-in-nav) +false+ +true+))
(utils:set-alert "Update nav. menu settings." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/page/~a" slug))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/page/delete" :method :POST) ()
(&key slug authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find page in database. Nothing deleted."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
((null (storage:file-exists-p "" "pages" slug))
(utils:set-alert "Unable to find page. Nothing deleted."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
((eql (pages::can-delete-p (nera:get-page slug)) +false+)
(utils:set-alert "File not allowed to be deleted."
(redirect "/user/pages"))
(t (storage:remove-file
"" ; `USERNAME' blank because it's not used/needed.
"pages" slug)
(nera:delete-page :slug slug)
(utils:set-alert "Page deleted." "success")
(redirect "/user/pages")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to delete page."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/storage/view/media/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(if (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug)
`(200 (:content-type
(nera:get-storage-file :slug slug)))
"" "media" (files::name-of
(nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))))
(on-exception *web* 404)))
(defroute ("/storage/thumb/media/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(let ((storage-file (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug)))
(if storage-file
`(200 (:content-type ,(files::file-type-of storage-file))
"" "media"
(format nil "thumbnail-~a" (files::name-of storage-file))))
(on-exception *web* 404))))
(defroute ("/storage/thumb/archive/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(if (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)
(let ((archive-entry (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)))
`(200 (:content-type ,(archive::thumbnail-file-type-of archive-entry))
"" "archive" (archive::thumbnail-slug-of archive-entry))))
(on-exception *web* 404)))
(defroute ("/storage/manage" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"/user/storage.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:files ,(nera:get-all-storage-files)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/storage/multi-upload" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(let ((files (utils:separate-files-in-web-request
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*)
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? (caddr (car files)))
(utils:set-alert "No files provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/storage/manage"))
(t (loop
:for item :in files
:do (storage:store-file
"" "media" (utils:format-filename (caddr item)) (cdr item))
(nera:add-storage-file (utils:format-filename (caddr item))
(utils:slugify (caddr item))
(cadddr item))
;; Thumbnail not stored in the database. It
;; is a hard-coded utility feature of the
;; website. The thumbnail is created so
;; large-scale images are not used at the
;; thumbnail, decreasing download sizes.
(when (str:contains? "image" (cadddr item) :ignore-case t)
"media" (utils:format-filename (caddr item)) nil)))
(utils:set-alert "File upload complete." "success")
(redirect "/storage/manage")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/storage/rename/:slug" :method :POST) (&key slug)
(&key new-file-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? new-file-name)
(utils:set-alert "No file name provided. Nothing updated."
(redirect "/storage/manage"))
((not (null (nera:get-storage-file :filename new-file-name)))
(utils:set-alert "File with that name already exists. File not saved."
(redirect "/storage/manage"))
(t (storage:rename-content-file
"" "media" (files::name-of (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))
(when (storage:file-exists-p
"" "media"
(format nil "thumbnail-~a"
(files::name-of (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))))
"" "media" (format nil "thumbnail-~a"
(nera:get-storage-file :slug slug)))
(format nil "thumbnail-~a" new-file-name)))
(files::name-of (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))
(utils:set-alert "File renamed." "success")
(redirect "/storage/manage")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))))
(defroute ("/storage/delete/:slug" :method :POST) (&key slug)
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((null (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))
(utils:set-alert "Unable to find file. Nothing deleted."
(redirect "/storage/manage"))
(t (storage:remove-file
"" "media"
(files::name-of (nera:get-storage-file :slug slug)))
(when (storage:file-exists-p
"" "media"
(format nil "thumbnail-~a"
(nera:get-storage-file :slug slug))))
"" "media"
(format nil "thumbnail-~a" (files::name-of
:slug slug)))))
(nera:delete-storage-file :slug slug)
(utils:set-alert "File deleted." "success")
(redirect "/storage/manage")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to delete page."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/archive" :method :GET) ()
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render #P"archive.html"
(append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:archive-entries ,(nera:get-all-archive-entries))))))
(defroute ("/view/archive/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(if (storage:file-exists-p "" "archive" slug)
(let* ((archive-entry (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug))
(archive-id (archive::object-id archive-entry)))
(render #P"archive-entry.html"
(append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,alert
:db-data ,archive-entry
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
,(nera:get-newer-archive-entries archive-id 2)
,(nera:get-older-archive-entries archive-id 2)
:data ,(storage:open-text-file "" "archive" slug)))))
(on-exception *web* 404))))
(defroute ("/user/archive" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/archive.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:archive-entries ,(nera:get-all-archive-entries)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/create/archive-entry" :method :GET) ()
(hermetic:auth (:logged-in)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/create-archive.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/create/archive-entry" :method :POST) ()
(&key title month year keywords thumbnail-file page-content
authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? `(,title ,month ,year)))
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
"Data is missing. Unable to create entry.")
:title ,title
:month ,month
:year ,year
:keywords ,keywords
:data ,page-content))))
((not (null (nera:get-archive-entry :title title)))
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
"Entry with that title already exists. Unable to create entry.")
:title ,title
:month ,month
:year ,year
:keywords ,keywords
:data ,page-content))))
((not (str:contains?
"image" (caddr thumbnail-file) :ignore-case t))
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
"File uploaded is not an image. Entry not created.")
:title ,title
:month ,month
:year ,year
:keywords ,keywords
:data ,page-content))))
(t (let ((search-id (utils:create-timestamp-id)))
;; Database Entry
(format nil "~a.html" (utils:slugify title))
(utils:format-filename (cadr thumbnail-file)) ; File Name
(caddr thumbnail-file) ; File Type
(utils:format-keywords keywords))
;; Use placeholder thumbnail if one not detected?
;; Meilisearch Database Entry
search-id title
(format nil "view/archive/~a.html"
(utils:slugify title))
(format nil "storage/thumb/archive/~a.html"
(utils:slugify title))
(utils:format-keywords keywords)))
;; Storage File Entry
"" "archive"
(format nil "~a.html" (utils:slugify title))
"" "archive"
(utils:format-filename (cadr thumbnail-file))
(utils:create-thumbnail ; Overwrites the original here.
"archive" (utils:format-filename (cadr thumbnail-file)) t)
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry created. Great Success!"
(redirect "/dashboard"))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/edit/archive/:slug" :method :GET) (&key slug)
(if (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/user/edit-archive.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:db-data ,(nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)
:data ,(storage:open-text-file "" "archive" slug)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(on-exception *web* 404)))
(defroute ("/edit/archive-thumbnail" :method :POST) ()
(&key archive-slug thumbnail-file authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? archive-slug)
"No archive slug provided. Thumbnail not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug))
"Cannot file thumbnail's archive entry. Nothing updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((not (str:contains? "image" (caddr thumbnail-file) :ignore-case t))
"File uploaded is not an image. Thumbnail not updated."
(redirect (format nil "/edit/archive/~a" archive-slug)))
(t (let ((archive-entry (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug)))
"" "archive" (archive::thumbnail-slug-of archive-entry))
"" "archive" (cadr thumbnail-file) thumbnail-file)
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::thumbnail-file-type-of
:value (caddr thumbnail-file))
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::thumbnail-slug-of
:value (cadr thumbnail-file))
"archive" (archive::thumbnail-slug-of archive-entry) t)
;; Meilisearch DB doesn't need updating because nothing
;; has changed from its perspective.
(utils:set-alert "Thumbnail updated." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/archive/~a" archive-slug)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete this archive entry."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/rename/archive-entry" :method :POST) ()
(&key id archive-slug new-title authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty?
`(,id ,archive-slug ,new-title)))
"Title and meta-data not provided. Archive entry not renamed."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug))
"Cannot file archive entry. Archive entry not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
(t (let ((archive-entry
(nera:get-archive-entry :id (parse-integer id))))
"" "archive" (archive::slug-of archive-entry)
(utils:format-filename (format nil "~a.html" new-title)))
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::title-of
:value new-title)
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::slug-of
:value (utils:format-filename (format nil "~a.html" new-title)))
(archive::search-id-of archive-entry)
(format nil "view/archive/~a.html"
(utils:slugify new-title))
(format nil
(utils:slugify new-title))
(archive::month-of archive-entry)
(archive::year-of archive-entry)
(archive::keywords-of archive-entry)))
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry updated." "success")
(format nil
(format nil "~a.html" new-title)))))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete this archive entry."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/edit/archive-publish-date" :method :POST) ()
(&key archive-slug authenticity-token month year &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty?
`(,archive-slug ,month ,year)))
(utils:set-alert "Full date not provided. Not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug))
"Cannot file archive entry. Keywords not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
(t (let ((archive-entry
(nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug)))
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::month-of
:value month)
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::year-of
:value year)
(archive::search-id-of archive-entry)
(archive::title-of archive-entry)
(format nil "view/archive/~a"
(archive::slug-of archive-entry))
(format nil "storage/thumb/archive/~a"
(archive::slug-of archive-entry))
(archive::keywords-of archive-entry)))
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry updated." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/archive/~a" archive-slug)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete this archive entry."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/edit/archive-keywords" :method :POST) ()
(&key archive-slug new-keywords authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty?
`(,archive-slug ,new-keywords)))
(utils:set-alert "Keywords not provided. Not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug))
"Cannot file archive entry. Keywords not updated."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
(t (let ((archive-entry (nera:get-archive-entry :slug archive-slug))
(keywords (utils:format-keywords new-keywords)))
:slug archive-slug
:property 'archive::keywords-of
:value keywords)
(archive::search-id-of archive-entry)
(archive::title-of archive-entry)
(format nil "view/archive/~a"
(archive::slug-of archive-entry))
(format nil "storage/thumb/archive/~a"
(archive::slug-of archive-entry))
(archive::month-of archive-entry)
(archive::year-of archive-entry)
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry updated." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/archive/~a" archive-slug)))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete this archive entry."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/edit/archive" :method :POST) ()
(&key slug page-content authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
"Archive entry cannot be found." "missing-data")
(redirect "/user/archive"))
(t (storage:store-text "" "archive" slug page-content)
;; Meilisearch integration not needed here because
;; nothing has changed from the Meilisearch DB
;; perspective.
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry updated." "success")
(redirect (format nil "/edit/archive/~a" slug))))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert "You are not logged in." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/archive/delete/entry" :method :POST) ()
(&key slug authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? slug)
"Cannot find archive entry in database. Nothing deleted."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((and (null (storage:file-exists-p "" "archive" slug))
(null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)))
"Unable to find archive entry. Nothing deleted."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((and (null (storage:file-exists-p "" "archive" slug))
(not (null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug))))
(nera:delete-archive-entry :slug slug)
"Couldn't find archive entry files. Deleted from database only."
(redirect "/user/archive"))
((and (not (null (storage:file-exists-p "" "archive" slug)))
(null (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)))
"Couldn't find archive entry in database. Deleted files only."
;; The system doesn't know about the thumbnail at this
;; point because it was linked to the text file via the
;; database. You will need to delete the thumbnail manually
;; at this point but the system has already failed here
;; anyway so the extra work was already needed.
(storage:remove-file "" "archive" slug)
(redirect "/user/archive"))
(t (storage:remove-file "" "archive" slug)
"" "archive" (archive::thumbnail-slug-of
(nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)))
(archive::search-id-of (nera:get-archive-entry :slug slug)))
(nera:delete-archive-entry :slug slug)
(utils:set-alert "Archive entry deleted." "success")
(redirect "/user/archive")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete this archive entry."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/search" :method :GET) ()
(render #P"search.html" (append (if (hermetic:logged-in-p)
`(:alert ,(utils:get-and-reset-alert)
:nav-menu ,(nera:nav-menu-slugs)
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)))))
(defroute ("/sitemap" :method :GET) ()
(redirect "/sitemap.xml"))
(defroute ("/sitemap.xml" :method :GET) ()
(setf (getf (response-headers *response*) :content-type) "application/xml")
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(let ((pages (nera:get-all-pages))
(entries (nera:get-all-archive-entries))
(root-url (utils:build-url-root ningle:*request*)))
(xml-emitter:with-xml-output (stream :encoding "utf-8")
;; Lists all the pages first.
;; The 'unless' block is to remove pages which are not wanting to be
;; part of a search engine's crawler results.
(loop for item in pages
(unless (or (string= "sign-up" (pages::slug-of item))
(string= "login" (pages::slug-of item)))
(xml-emitter:with-tag ("url")
:loc (format nil "~a/view/page/~a"
root-url (pages::slug-of item))
(format nil "~a" (mito.dao.mixin:object-updated-at item))))))
;; Lists all the archive entries second.
(loop for item in entries
(xml-emitter:with-tag ("url")
:loc (format nil "~a/view/archive/~a"
root-url (archive::slug-of item))
(format nil "~a"
(mito.dao.mixin:object-updated-at item))))))))))
(defroute ("/danger/manage-files" :method :GET) ()
implement /danger/upload-snapshot defroute in web.lisp file. I, also, replaced some 'logged-in' permission checks to 'administrator' in several defroutes (mostly 'danger-zone' routes). This is the back-end functionality which allows users to upload Snapshots (in .zip files) to the /snapshot directory. The route accepts multi-file uploads and ignores files which are not either a .zip file or if a file has the same name as one of the Snapshots already in the /snapshots directory. Technically, the user can upload several files at once which are not .zip files and the alert-message will relay a 'success' message, even when nothing was added to the system. This is because the system is relaying the upload went without errors and not how valid each file was. The system doesn't have anything built-in which allows the multi-faceted alert-message approach to work. Another thing to note here is the lack of checks for the contents within a .zip Snapshot file. Basically, there isn't any. I am unsure how many moving parts are going to be in these Snapshots in the future and hard-coding checks for directories and file names seems a bit premature (maybe unpredictable?). The HTML template responsible for dealing with the front-end of the Snapshot features clearly state it is a 'danger zone' section of the site. So, there is an expectation (hopefully) of 'if you don't know what you're doing, then don't touch it'. Hello, person of the future. I was really wrong with that assumption, wasn't I?
2 years ago
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/danger/manage-files.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
(storage:get-files-in-directory "" "archive"))
(storage:get-files-in-directory "" "media"))
(storage:get-files-in-directory "" "pages"))))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/danger/delete-file" :method :POST) ()
(&key filename directory authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty?
`(,filename ,directory)))
"File name or directory not provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-files"))
((not (storage:file-exists-p "" directory filename))
(utils:set-alert "File cannot be found." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-files"))
(t (storage:file-exists-p "" directory filename)
(storage:remove-file "" directory filename)
(utils:set-alert "File deleted." "success")
(redirect "/danger/manage-files")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/manage-database-entries" :method :GET) ()
implement /danger/upload-snapshot defroute in web.lisp file. I, also, replaced some 'logged-in' permission checks to 'administrator' in several defroutes (mostly 'danger-zone' routes). This is the back-end functionality which allows users to upload Snapshots (in .zip files) to the /snapshot directory. The route accepts multi-file uploads and ignores files which are not either a .zip file or if a file has the same name as one of the Snapshots already in the /snapshots directory. Technically, the user can upload several files at once which are not .zip files and the alert-message will relay a 'success' message, even when nothing was added to the system. This is because the system is relaying the upload went without errors and not how valid each file was. The system doesn't have anything built-in which allows the multi-faceted alert-message approach to work. Another thing to note here is the lack of checks for the contents within a .zip Snapshot file. Basically, there isn't any. I am unsure how many moving parts are going to be in these Snapshots in the future and hard-coding checks for directories and file names seems a bit premature (maybe unpredictable?). The HTML template responsible for dealing with the front-end of the Snapshot features clearly state it is a 'danger zone' section of the site. So, there is an expectation (hopefully) of 'if you don't know what you're doing, then don't touch it'. Hello, person of the future. I was really wrong with that assumption, wasn't I?
2 years ago
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/danger/manage-db-entries.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
:archive-entries ,(nera:get-all-archive-entries)
:storage-entries ,(nera:get-all-storage-files)
:pages-entries ,(nera:get-all-pages)))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/danger/delete-database-entry" :method :POST) ()
(&key name table authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((find t (mapcar #'validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? `(,name ,table)))
"Entry name or database table not provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-database-entries"))
((string= "page" table)
(if (not (nera:get-page name))
"Database entry cannot be found." "invalid-data")
(nera:delete-page :slug name)
(utils:set-alert "Database entry deleted." "success")))
(redirect "/danger/manage-database-entries"))
((string= "archive" table)
(if (not (nera:get-archive-entry :slug name))
"Database entry cannot be found." "invalid-data")
(nera:delete-archive-entry :slug name)
"Database entry deleted." "success")))
(redirect "/danger/manage-database-entries"))
((string= "storage-file" table)
(if (not (nera:get-storage-file :slug name))
"Database entry cannot be found." "invalid-data")
(nera:delete-storage-file :slug name)
"Database entry deleted." "success")))
(redirect "/danger/manage-database-entries"))
(t (utils:set-alert "Database table not found." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-database-entries")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/repopulate-search-db" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(search:repopulate-database (nera:get-all-archive-entries))
"Search database re-populated. Great Success!" "success")
(redirect "/site-settings"))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to use this feature."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/reset-website" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
;; The 'when' checks are just a precaution. These directories
;; were created during the site's first-run/initial set-up. If
;; they are missing, though, whilst this function is executing,
;; an error is thrown -- hence the check.
(when (storage:directory-exists-p "" "media")
(storage:remove-directory "" "media"))
(when (storage:directory-exists-p "" "archive")
(storage:remove-directory "" "archive"))
(when (storage:directory-exists-p "" "pages")
(storage:remove-directory "" "pages"))
(when (storage:directory-exists-p "" "snippets")
(storage:remove-directory "" "snippets"))
;; If the database doesn't exist, the site is in a much worse
;; state than anticipated and needs someone to SSH into the host
;; and look at it -- hence no 'when' check.
;; If Meilisearch service is down, you need to SSH into
;; host. That is a separate service which this website utilises
;; but doesn't control.
(redirect "/"))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to use this feature."
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/manage-snapshots" :method :GET) ()
;; Authorised
(let ((alert (utils:get-and-reset-alert)))
(render "/danger/snapshots.html"
(append (auth:auth-user-data)
`(:alert ,alert
:system-data ,(nera:system-data)
(storage::get-raw-directories "snapshots/")))))))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page." "error")
(redirect "/login"))))
(defroute ("/danger/take-snapshot" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(utils:set-alert "Snapshot taken." "success")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/delete-snapshot" :method :POST) ()
(&key snapshot-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation::string-is-nil-or-empty? snapshot-name)
(utils:set-alert "No Snapshot Name provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
((not (storage:raw-directory-exists?
(format nil "snapshots/~a/" snapshot-name)))
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find selected Snapshot." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
(t (snapshot:delete-snapshot snapshot-name)
(utils:set-alert "Snapshot deleted." "success")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/create-snapshot-download" :method :POST) ()
(&key snapshot-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation::string-is-nil-or-empty? snapshot-name)
(utils:set-alert "No Snapshot Name provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
((not (storage:raw-directory-exists?
(format nil "snapshots/~a/" snapshot-name)))
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find selected Snapshot." "invalid-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
"" "media" (format nil "" snapshot-name))
"Snapshot already prepared and moved to Storage Files"
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
(t (zip:zip
"" "media" (format nil ""snapshot-name))
(format nil "snapshots/~a/" snapshot-name)))
(format nil ""snapshot-name)
(format nil "~a-zip"snapshot-name)
(utils:set-alert "Snapshot ready for download." "success")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
(defroute ("/danger/restore-snapshot" :method :POST) ()
(&key snapshot-name authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params (lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(cond ((not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied")))
(t (hermetic:auth
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation::string-is-nil-or-empty? snapshot-name)
(utils:set-alert "No Snapshot Name provided."
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
((not (storage:raw-directory-exists?
(format nil "snapshots/~a/" snapshot-name)))
(utils:set-alert "Cannot find selected Snapshot."
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
(t (snapshot:restore-from-snapshot snapshot-name)
(if (str:contains?
"://localhost:" (utils:build-url-root ningle:*request*))
"Snapshot restored. Restart local server for changes to take effect."
"Snapshot restored restarting server. FEATURE NOT IMPLEMENTED YET..."
;; utils:run-bash-command "Restart Systemd Service"
t "[INFO] Restarting Systemd service is not yet implemented.")))
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots")))
;; Not Authorised
(progn (utils:set-alert
"You are not authorised to delete page." "error")
(redirect "/login")))))))
implement /danger/upload-snapshot defroute in web.lisp file. I, also, replaced some 'logged-in' permission checks to 'administrator' in several defroutes (mostly 'danger-zone' routes). This is the back-end functionality which allows users to upload Snapshots (in .zip files) to the /snapshot directory. The route accepts multi-file uploads and ignores files which are not either a .zip file or if a file has the same name as one of the Snapshots already in the /snapshots directory. Technically, the user can upload several files at once which are not .zip files and the alert-message will relay a 'success' message, even when nothing was added to the system. This is because the system is relaying the upload went without errors and not how valid each file was. The system doesn't have anything built-in which allows the multi-faceted alert-message approach to work. Another thing to note here is the lack of checks for the contents within a .zip Snapshot file. Basically, there isn't any. I am unsure how many moving parts are going to be in these Snapshots in the future and hard-coding checks for directories and file names seems a bit premature (maybe unpredictable?). The HTML template responsible for dealing with the front-end of the Snapshot features clearly state it is a 'danger zone' section of the site. So, there is an expectation (hopefully) of 'if you don't know what you're doing, then don't touch it'. Hello, person of the future. I was really wrong with that assumption, wasn't I?
2 years ago
(defroute ("/danger/upload-snapshot" :method :POST) ()
(&key authenticity-token &allow-other-keys)
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*))
(if (not (string= authenticity-token (auth:csrf-token)))
`(,+forbidden+ (:content-type "text/plain") ("Denied"))
(let ((files (utils:separate-files-in-web-request
(lack.request:request-body-parameters ningle:*request*)
;; Authorised
(cond ((validation:string-is-nil-or-empty? (caddr (car files)))
(utils:set-alert "No Snapshots provided." "missing-data")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots"))
(t (loop
:for item :in files
:do (when (and (not (storage:raw-directory-exists?
nil "snapshots/~a/"
(pathname-name (caddr item))))))
(string= "zip" (pathname-type (caddr item))))
(utils:format-filename (caddr item)) (cdr item))))
(utils:set-alert "Snapshot upload complete." "success")
(redirect "/danger/manage-snapshots")))
;; Not Authorised
(utils:set-alert "You are not authorised to view this page."
(redirect "/login")))))))
;; Error pages
(defmethod on-exception ((app <web>) (code (eql 404)))
(declare (ignore app))
(merge-pathnames #P"_errors/404.html"