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(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:nera-db
(:nicknames #:nera)
(:use #:cl
(:export #:init-db
(in-package #:nera-db)
(defparameter *tables* '(user site-settings)
"List of the DB tables that need to be checked for migrations and DB setup.")
(defun init-db (request)
"Creates the database and creates Admin. in `USER' table."
(&key username display-name password allow-sign-up &allow-other-keys)
(utils:request-params request)
(with-connection (db)
;; Add to the list to add more tables.
(mapcar #'mito:ensure-table-exists *tables*)
(mito:create-dao 'user
:username username
:display-name display-name
:password (hermetic::hash password)
:administrator +true+)
(mito:create-dao 'site-settings
:enable-sign-up (utils:checkbox-to-bool allow-sign-up)))))
(defun ensure-tables-exist ()
"Creates missing tables from the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mapcar #'mito:ensure-table-exists *tables*)))
(defun migrate-all ()
"Migrate the tables after we changed the class definition."
(with-connection (db)
(mapcar #'mito:migrate-table *tables*)))
(defun create-user (username display-name password administrator)
"Add a new `USER' to the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:create-dao 'user
:username username
:display-name display-name
:administrator administrator
:password (hermetic::hash password))))
(defun delete-user (username)
"Deletes `USER' from the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:delete-by-values 'user:user :username username)))
(defun update-user (username &key display-name new-password)
"Updates `USER' in database."
(with-connection (db)
(let ((user-to-update
(mito:find-dao 'user:user :username username)))
(if (not (utils:string-is-nil-or-empty? display-name))
(setf (user::display-name-of user-to-update) display-name))
(if (not (utils:string-is-nil-or-empty? new-password))
(setf (user::password-of user-to-update) (hermetic::hash new-password)))
(mito:save-dao user-to-update))))
(defun get-user-id (username)
"Returns the Id. number of the specified `USERNAME' in the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:find-dao 'user :username username))))
(defun get-user (username)
"Returns a `USER' profile from the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:find-dao 'user :username username)))
(defun get-all-users ()
"Returns a list of all `USER' entries in the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:select-dao 'user
(sxql:order-by (:asc :display-name)))))
(defun get-site-settings ()
"Gets the settings for the website from the database."
(with-connection (db)
(mito:find-dao 'site-settings)))