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rename README.markdown to and add install/sys info.

Craig Oates 1 year ago
  1. 12
  2. 131


@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# ritherdon-archive
## Usage
## Installation
# License
Licensed under the MIT License.


@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* Nicola Ellis and Ritherdon Archive
This is an website, written in Common Lisp and built on top of the Caveman2
framework. Its main intention is to be the digital archive for the work
produced by [[][Nicola Ellis]] during her time
working alongside [[][Ritherdon]].
* Overview of Technology Used
Below is a **non-exhaustive** list of the tech. used to build and run this
- [[][Common Lisp]]
- [[][Quicklisp]]
- [[Steel Bank Common Lisp][]] (SBCL)
- [[][Caveman2]]
- [[][woo]] (Common Lisp server behind Nginx)
- [[][Mito]] (ORM)
- [[][SXQL]] (SQL Generator, used alongside Mito)
- [[][SQLite3]]
- [[][Djula]] (Common Lisp port of the Django templating language)
- [[][Debian 11]]
- [[][Nginx]]
- [[][Meilisearch]] (Website's Search engine)
For a complete list of packages used by Common Lisp, look at the
[[/return-to-ritherdon/ritherdon-archive/src/branch/unstable/ritherdon-archive.asd][ritherdon-archive.asd]] file.
* System Overview
The complete system is broken into two services:
1. Ritherdon Archive (the main site)
2. Meilisearch (the separate search system/service/instance)
From an end-user's perspective, they shouldn't be able to tell the Meilisearch
service is part of the overall system. When an end-user uses the Search
features on the main site, the main site will make the requests to the
Meilisearch service. From there, the Meilisearch service will return its
results to the main site -- on the end-user's machine. You should see this
closed-loop in the diagram below.
#+begin_src mermaid
graph TD
Request((Request)) --> Server
Server{Nginx} --> Archive
Server -.-> Meilisearch
Archive -. Search terms sent to server \n as their own requests .-> Request
Request -.-> Server
Meilisearch -. Results returned to Archive \n on clients machine .-> Archive
Archive --> Response((Response))
When it comes to the main site (Ritherdon Archive), it stores the archive data
in the =/storage= directory and the SQLite3 database. Both are kept
in-sync. by the main site -- as part of its feature-set.
#+begin_src mermaid
graph TD
Request((Request \n /Response)) <--> Server
Server{Nginx} <--> Archive
Archive <-.-> DB[(Database)]
Archive <-.-> Storage[/Files in /storage directory/]
* Installation
To see what is being called, please read the [[/return-to-ritherdon/ritherdon-archive/src/branch/unstable/makefile][makefile]]. If you are unsure how
to set-up an environment for developing in Common Lisp, please use the
following link:
- [[][Common Lisp Cook Book: Getting Started]]
- [[][Meilisearch Doc's]] (Install Guide)
Otherwise, just use the makefile.
#+begin_src bash
git clone
cd ritherdon-archive
sudo make install
make lisp-install
make quicklisp-add
make search-install # Installs Meilisearch.
*Note:* The ~make search-install~ command adds the ~meilisearch~ binary to
=/usr/bin/=. If you want to uninstall Meilisearch, you will need to delete it
from =/usr/bin=. Run ~sudo rm /usr/bin/meilisearch~, to delete it.
* Run System on Local Machine
Because the system consists of two systems running in tandem, you will need to
have two terminals open to run them separately -- and see the logs for each
** Meilisearch
Usually, you get this part of the system up and running before you get the
main site working -- mostly because of the tasks flow easier -- but it's not
essential to start this service first.
#+begin_src bash
# Make sure meilisearch is added to your /usr/bin/ directory.
meilisearch --no-analytics
If you enter =http://localhost:7700= in your browser, you should see the
meilisearch search page. Use =ctrl-c= to stop the service.
** Main Site (Ritherdon Archive)
To run the main site (Ritherdon Archive), start Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)
by running ~rlwrap sbcl~ in your terminal. When SBCL has finished loading, run
the following,
#+begin_src common-lisp
(ql:quicklisp :ritherdon-archive)
(search:set-filter-attributes) ; Configures the Meilisearch service.
(ritherdon-archive:start :server :woo)
Then go to =http://localhost:5000= in your browser.
To stop the program, enter ~(ritherdon-archive:stop)~ in SBCL.
* Run System on (Prod.) Server
This section builds on the one above (running on local machine). The main
difference is getting the system to run on Nginx and as a Systemd service.