(in-package #:cl-user) (defpackage #:nera-db (:nicknames #:nera) (:use #:cl #:app-constants #:hermetic #:ritherdon-archive.db #:utils #:user) (:export #:init-db #:update-user #:get-user #:get-user-id)) (in-package #:nera-db) (defun init-db (request) "Creates the database and creates Admin. in `USER' table." (destructuring-bind (&key username display-name password &allow-other-keys) (utils:request-params request) (with-connection (db) ;; Add to the list to add more tables. (mapcar #'mito:ensure-table-exists '(user)) (mito:create-dao 'user :username username :display-name display-name :password (hermetic::hash password) :administrator +true+)))) (defun update-user (username &optional display-name new-password) "Updates `USER' in database." (with-connection (db) (let ((user-to-update (mito:find-dao 'user:user :username username))) (if (not (utils:string-is-nil-or-empty? display-name)) (setf (user::display-name-of user-to-update) display-name)) (if (not (utils:string-is-nil-or-empty? new-password)) (setf (user::password-of user-to-update) (hermetic::hash new-password))) (mito:save-dao user-to-update)))) (defun get-user-id (username) "Returns the Id. number of the specified `USERNAME' in the database." (with-connection (db) (mito:object-id (mito:find-dao 'user :username username)))) (defun get-user (username) "Returns a `USER' profile from the database." (with-connection (db) (mito:find-dao 'user :username username)))