(in-package #:cl-user) (defpackage #:utils (:use #:cl #:caveman2 #:log4cl #:app-constants #:storage) (:export #:i18n-load #:_ #:parse-iso-date #:request-params #:string-is-nil-or-empty? #:separate-files-in-web-request #:set-alert #:get-alert #:get-and-reset-alert #:checkbox-to-bool #:asciify #:slugify #:get-image-dimensions #:run-bash-command #:create-thumbnail #:create-timestamp-id #:format-filename #:format-keywords #:build-alert-string) (:documentation "Utilities that do not depend on models.")) (in-package #:utils) (defun asciify (string) (str:downcase (slug:asciify string))) (defun slugify (string) "Turns a string of text into a slug." (str:downcase (slug:slugify string))) (defun format-filename (string) "Changes the filename into the system's standard. Replaces whitespace with '-' and changes everything to lowecase." (str:replace-all " " "-" (asciify string))) (defun format-keywords (string) "Formats the keywords used in the `ARCHIVE-ENTRY' class. This is mostly just over-prep'ing the keywords assuming the user enters them in the incorrect format. Meilisearch exects something like 'art,welding,green paint,ritherdon'. The comma is the seperator which allows each 'keyword' to have (white-)spaces." (str:replace-all ", " "," (asciify string))) (defun request-params (request) (loop :for (key . value) :in request :collect (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword))) (read-from-string key)) :collect value)) ;; PORT CODE TO NO LONGER CALL THIS VERSION OF THE FUNCTION (MOVED TO VALIDATION PACKAGE). (defun string-is-nil-or-empty? (string-to-test) "Tests to see if `STRING-TO-TEST' is empty of just whitespace. This is essentially the 'IsNullOrWhiteSpace' function I use in C#. It expands the 'empty string' check to include a check to see if there is string with just a '(white) space' in it." (if (or (string= string-to-test " ") (zerop (length string-to-test)) (null string-to-test)) t nil)) (defun separate-files-in-web-request (request &optional request-value) "Creates a new list of 'upload' files from a web `REQUEST'. You will mostly use this for processing a multi-file upload (HTML) form. The standard value for the 'name' attribute in (file) input tag in the HTML form is `CONTENT-FILES' but you can use a different name. Just specify it in this function's `REQUEST-VALUE' argument." (loop :for item :in request if (or (string= "CONTENT-FILES" (car item)) (string= request-value (car item))) collect item)) (defun set-alert (message &optional alert-type) "Sets the alert `MESSAGE' stored in session, provide info. to users. The intention is store a `MESSAGE' across a redirect during a HTTP POST request." (cond ((string= "error" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "vomit-cat.png" message))) ((string= "success" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "success-cat.png" message))) ((string= "missing-data" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "sherlock-cat.png" message))) ((string= "invalid-data" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "confused-cat.png" message))) ((string= "created" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "disco-cat.png" message))) ((string= "warning" alert-type) (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) (build-alert-string alert-type "workout-cat.png" message))) (t (setf (gethash :alert ningle:*session*) message)))) (defun build-alert-string (alert-text src-image message) (format nil "


" alert-text alert-text src-image message)) (defun get-alert () "Get alert message from session data." (gethash :alert ningle:*session*)) (defun get-and-reset-alert () "Returns the `ALERT' message and clears its content from the session hash." (let ((message (get-alert))) (set-alert nil) message)) (defun checkbox-to-bool (value) "Converts a HTML Checkbox `VALUE' to a Boolean. The `VALUE' will either be 'on' or 'off'. 'Boolean' in this instance is assuming you are using SQLite and need to convert `VALUE' to an integer/number. If you are needing a traditional Boolean value, DO NOT USE THIS FUNCTION." (cond ((or (string= "checked" value) (string= "on" value)) +true+) ((or (string= "off" value) (null value)) +false+) ((null value) +false+))) (defun get-image-dimensions (filepath) "Uses Image Magick (via Bash) to get the resolution of an image as 'WxH'. The `FILEPATH' must be already merged with `ritherdon-archive.config::*application-root*' before you call this function." (let* ((command (format nil "identify -format \"%wx%h\" ~a" filepath)) (out-message (uiop:run-program command :output :string :ignore-error-status t :error-output :string))) out-message)) (defun run-bash-command (command) "Runs the Bash command." (uiop:run-program command :output :string :ignore-error-status t :error-output :string)) (defun create-thumbnail (storage-sub-directory file-name &optional (overwrite t)) "Runs a Bash command to convert a file to a thumbnail in /storage/media dir. The file is reduced to 512x512 pixels if bigger than that. A new file is then created with a 'thumbnail-' pre-fix. This process relies on Image Magick. So, it must be installed on the system for this function to operate properly." (run-bash-command (format nil "convert ~a -resize 512x512\\> ~a" (storage:file-exists-p "" storage-sub-directory file-name) (if (eq overwrite t) (storage:file-exists-p "" storage-sub-directory file-name) (storage:make-path "" storage-sub-directory (format nil "thumbnail-~a" file-name)))))) (defun create-timestamp-id () "Creates a integer based on time the function is called, in YYYYMMDD format." (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (get-decoded-time) (format nil "~d~2,'0d~d~2,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0d" year month day hour minute second)))