First Run

Let's get your new site up and running...

It looks like this is the first time you've started this website. Fill out the form below and start uploading stuff.

This name will be displayed in the site's header. You can change this after you've completed this initial set-up.

This refers to the URL used by the seach instance this website calls out to for its search features. If you're running this on your local dev. machine, use http://localhost:7700 (this is the default for port for Meilisearch.

Enabling this feature will allow anyone to create an account with this website, upload files and create 'Archive Entries' and 'Pages'. You can turn this feature on and off in the site's settings after this initial set-up.

Enabling this feature will make the website display the site's logo in the header, alongside the site's name. You can turn this feature on and off in the site's settings, after completing this initial set-up, and replace the default one with your own.

Account Details

This account is the site's 'admin' (or 'super-user') account. This gives you complete access to all the site's features. No other account will have this ability.

This is the name you will use to log-in to the website. It cannot be changed after you finish this set-up. You can use your email address or a typical username like 'neo' or 'the_milkman_3000'. Each account must have a unique username.

This is the name the website will refer to you as when you log-in. Feel free to use your actual name here and change it as often as you want.