# ritherdon-archive Archive of Ritherdon and Nicola Ellis. # Usage Run from sources: make run # aka sbcl --load run.lisp choose your lisp: LISP=ccl make run or build and run the binary: ``` $ make build $ ./ritherdon-archive [name] Hello [name] from ritherdon-archive ``` ## Init config file Create a config file: cp config-example.lisp config.lisp You can override global variables (for example, the port, which can be handy if you run the app from sources, without building a binary and using the `--port` flag. The config file is `load`ed before the web server starts (see the `(main)`). ## Roswell integration Roswell is an implementation manager and [script launcher](https://github.com/roswell/roswell/wiki/Roswell-as-a-Scripting-Environment). A POC script is in the roswell/ directory. Your users can install the script with `craig/ritherdon-archive`. # Dev Load the .asd, quickload it then ``` CL-USER> (ritherdon-archive/web:start-app) ``` See also: - `web::load-config &key port load-init-p` ## Tests Tests are defined with [Fiveam](https://common-lisp.net/project/fiveam/docs/). Run them from the terminal with `make test`. You should see a failing test. ```bash $ make test Running test suite TESTMAIN Running test TEST1 f Did 1 check. Pass: 0 ( 0%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 1 (100%) Failure Details: -------------------------------- TEST1 in TESTMAIN []: 3 evaluated to 3 which is not = to 2 Makefile:15: recipe for target 'test' failed $ echo $? 2 ``` On Slime, load the test package and run `run!`. --- Licence: BSD