## How to use Roswell to build and share binaries From the project root: Run as a script: chmod +x roswell/ritherdon-archive.ros ./roswell/ritherdon-archive.ros Build a binary: ros build roswell/ritherdon-archive.ros and run it: ./roswell/ritherdon-archive Or install it in ~/.roswell/bin: ros install roswell/ritherdon-archive.ros It creates the binary in ~/.roswell/bin/ Run it: ~/.roswell/bin/ritherdon-archive [name]~& Your users can install the script with ros install craig/ritherdon-archive Use `+Q` if you don't have Quicklisp dependencies to save startup time. Use `ros build --disable-compression` to save on startup time and loose on application size. ## See - https://github.com/roswell/roswell/wiki/ - https://github.com/roswell/roswell/wiki/Reducing-Startup-Time