(defpackage #:user (:use #:cl #:ritherdon-archive.db #:mito #:mito-auth #:app-constants) (:export #:user)) (in-package #:user) (defclass user (has-secure-password) ((username :documentation "The name the user uses to log into the website." :col-type :text :initarg :username :accessor username-of) (display-name :documentation "The name used in the website GUI (the pretty name)." :col-type (or :text :null) :initarg :display-name :accessor display-name-of) (administrator :documentation "States if user has admin. priveledges. At the time of writing (11/09/2022), SQLite is the current database and it does not have a Boolean datatype so '0' represents 'false' and '1' represents 'true'. You will not come across '0' or '1' in the code because of how mito maps the code to the database. But, you will see it in the database if you view it directly." :col-type :integer :initarg :administrator :initform +false+ ; SQLite: 0 -> false 1 -> true. :accessor is-administrator-p)) (:documentation "The model used to describe the `USER' table in the database") (:metaclass mito:dao-table-class))