Public archive for the Return to Ritherdon project.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

115 lines
3.8 KiB

(in-package :ritherdon-archive/web)
(defvar *server* nil
"Current instance of easy-acceptor.")
(defparameter *port* 4242)
;;; Djula filters.
(djula:def-filter :price (val)
(format nil "~,2F" val))
;;; Load templates.
(asdf:system-relative-pathname "ritherdon-archive" "src/templates/"))
(defparameter +base.html+ (djula:compile-template* "base.html"))
(defparameter +dashboard.html+ (djula:compile-template* "dashboard.html"))
; (defparameter +404.html+ (djula:compile-template* "404.html"))
;;; Serve static assets
(defparameter *default-static-directory* "src/static/"
"The directory where to serve static assets from (STRING). If it starts with a slash, it is an absolute directory. Otherwise, it will be a subdirectory of where the system :abstock is installed.
Static assets are reachable under the /static/ prefix.")
(defun serve-static-assets ()
(push (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
"/static/" (merge-pathnames *default-static-directory*
(asdf:system-source-directory :ritherdon-archive)))
;;; Routes.
;; Root route.
(defroute home-route ("/") ()
(djula:render-template* +dashboard.html+ nil
:route "/"))
(defroute card-page ("/product/:slug")
(&get raw)
"Show a product.
Dev helper: if the URL parameter RAW is \"t\" (the string), then display the card object literally (with describe)."
;; The product URL is of the form: /xyz-product-title where xyz is its pk.
(let* ((product-id (ignore-errors
(parse-integer (first (str:split "-" slug)))))
(product (when product-id
(models:find-by :id product-id))))
((null product-id)
(render-template* +404.html+ nil))
(render-template* +product-stock.html+ nil
:messages nil
:route "/product"
:product product
:raw raw))
(render-template* +404.html+ nil)))))
;; Start-up functions.
(defun find-config ()
((uiop:file-exists-p "config.lisp")
(defun load-config ()
"Load `config.lisp', situated at the project's root."
(let ((file (find-config)))
(if file
;; One case of failure: a symbolic link exists, but
;; the target file doesn't.
(uiop:format! t "Loading config file ~a…~&" file)
(load (uiop:native-namestring file)))
(format t "... no config file found.~&"))))
(defun start-app (&key (port *port*) (load-config-p nil))
"Start the Hunchentoot web server on port PORT (defaults to `*PORT*'), serve static assets.
If LOAD-CONFIG-P is non nil, load the config file (this is normally done in the main function of run.lisp before)."
;; You can use the find-port library to find an available port.
;; Load the config.lisp init file.
(if load-config-p
(uiop:format! t "Skipping config file.~&"))
;; Set up the DB.
;; Start the server.
(uiop:format! t "Starting Hunchentoot on port ~a…~&" port)
(setf *server* (make-instance 'easy-routes:easy-routes-acceptor :port port))
(hunchentoot:start *server*)
(uiop:format! t "~&Application started on port ~a.~&" port))
(defun stop-app ()
;; disconnect db ?
(hunchentoot:stop *server*))