Public archive for the Return to Ritherdon project.
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(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:ritherdon-archive.config
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:envy
(:export #:config
(in-package #:ritherdon-archive.config)
(setf (config-env-var) "APP_ENV")
(defparameter *application-root* (asdf:system-source-directory :ritherdon-archive))
(defparameter *static-directory* (merge-pathnames #P"static/" *application-root*))
(defparameter *template-directory* (merge-pathnames #P"templates/" *application-root*))
(defconfig :common
`(:application-root ,(asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system :ritherdon-archive))))
(defconfig |development|
`(:debug T
((:maindb :sqlite3
:database-name ,(merge-pathnames #P"db/nera-dev.db"
(defconfig |production|
`(:debug nil
((:maindb :sqlite3
:database-name ,(merge-pathnames #P"db/nera-prod.db"
(defconfig |staging|
`(:debug T
(defun config (&optional key)
(envy:config #.(package-name *package*) key))
(defun appenv ()
(uiop:getenv (config-env-var #.(package-name *package*))))
(defun developmentp ()
(string= (appenv) "development"))
(defun productionp ()
(string= (appenv) "production"))
(defun stagingp ()
(string= (appenv) "staging"))
(defun database-name ()
(first (last (first (config :databases)))))
;;; Use this to change the environment between "development" and
;;; "production". This change is mostly to specifiy which database the
;;; system will use.
(setf (osicat:environment-variable "APP_ENV") "development")