Public archive for the Return to Ritherdon project.
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(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:ritherdon-archive
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:ritherdon-archive.config
(:import-from #:clack
(:export #:start
(in-package #:ritherdon-archive)
(defvar *appfile-path*
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :ritherdon-archive #P"app.lisp"))
(defvar *handler* nil)
(defun start (&rest args &key server port debug &allow-other-keys)
(declare (ignore server port debug))
(when *handler*
(restart-case (error "Server is already running.")
(restart-server ()
:report "Restart the server"
(setf *handler*
(apply #'clackup *appfile-path* args)))
(defun stop ()
(clack:stop *handler*)
(setf *handler* nil)))
#| 'main' Function Used For Starting Server From Script (I.E. Live Deployment)
The code below was taken from the URL above (with slight modifications). It's
main use is to make it easier to start the server via a script.
(defun main (&key (port 5000))
(start :server :woo ; hunchentoot or woo.
:port port
:debug (if (ritherdon-archive.config:productionp)
;; with bordeaux-threads
(handler-case (bt:join-thread
(find-if (lambda (th)
(search "woo" (bt:thread-name th)))
(#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
#+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition
#+clisp system::simple-interrupt-condition
#+ecl ext:interactive-interrupt
#+allegro excl:interrupt-signal
() (progn
(format *error-output* "Aborting.~&")
(clack:stop *handler*)
(uiop:quit 1)) ;; portable exit, included in ASDF, already loaded.
;; for others, unhandled errors (we might want to do the same).
(error (c) (format t "Woops, an unknown error occured:~&~a~&" c)))))