Public archive for the Return to Ritherdon project.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:archive
(:nicknames #:arc)
(:use #:cl
(:export #:archive-entry))
(in-package #:archive)
(defclass archive-entry ()
:documentation "The title of the archive entry."
:col-type (or :text :null)
:initarg :title
:initform :null
:accessor title-of)
:documentation "The Id. used in the Meilisearch database."
:col-type (or :integer :null)
:initarg :search-id
:initform :null
:accessor search-id-of)
:documentation "The slug, used as part of the URL, to access the entry."
:col-type (or :text :null)
:initarg :slug
:initform :null
:accessor slug-of)
:documentation "The name of the thumbnail, for particular entry."
:col-type (or :text :null)
:initarg :thumbnail-slug
:initform :null
:accessor thumbnail-slug-of)
:documentation "The file type of the thumbnail, used when serving image."
:col-type (or :text :null)
:initarg :thumbnail-file-type
:initform :null
:accessor thumbnail-file-type-of)
:documentation "Text for Meilisearch's filter options. An example
of how the keywords shold look is: 'art,welding,blue and
green,metal'. The 'blue and green' section is classed as one
:col-type (or :text :null)
:initarg :keywords
:initform :null
:accessor keywords-of))
(:documentation "`ARCHIVE-ENTRY' represents the model used by Mito
to map database between the system and the 'archive_entry' table in
the database. This model contains data which is used more by the
Meilisearch instance attached to this website -- as a seperate
(:metaclass mito:dao-table-class))