* Documentation for Ritherdon Charts The files in this directory are named based on the scripts in the project's root directory. So, =daily-totals.org= provides the documentation for the =daily-totals.py= script. | Doc's File | Documentation For | |--------------------------+---------------------------------------------| | dailies-overlayed.org | dailies-overlayed.py | | dailies-side-by-side.org | dailies-side-by-side.py | | daily-breakdowns.org | daily-breakdowns.py | | daily-comparisons.org | daily-comparisons.py | | daily-totals.org | daily-totals.py | | lmX-hourly-totals.org | lm1-hourly-totals.py & lm2-hourly-totals.py | | sql-statements.org | sql-statements.sql | I have not included any documentation for =separator.sh= and =totalilator.sh= because the project's [[file:../README.org][README]] goes over what they do. I should point out, if you have not ran ~./separator.sh~, at the very least, the documentation in this directory is of little use to you. | Python Script | Relies on Bash Script | |---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | dailies-overlayed.py | separator.sh | | dailies-side-by-side.py | separator.sh | | daily-breakdowns.py | separator.sh | | daily-comparisons.py | separator.sh | | daily-totals.py | separator.sh & totalilator.sh | | lm1-hourly-totals.py & lm2-hourly-totals.py | separator.sh & totalilator.sh | | sql-statements.sql | N/A | I should stress, the aim of this project is to plot some chart from the data recorded by the /Personal Flash in Real-Time/ artworks. There is no intension for this project to run for an extended period of time. So, keep that in mind, when you see code which is sloppy and messy. This is a data exploration project and not a software development one.