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The documentation repository for the software projects developed for the 'Return to Ritherdon Project' by Nicola Ellis. http://www.nicolaellis.com
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Return to Ritherdon: Light Wave

This is a support project to help test and monitor the Light Meter in the factory (Ritherdon). It provide about a minutes worth of streamed light readings from the facory and displays both readings as animated line graph. When the exhibition is live, the intention is for it to provide additional information in the gallery space (I.E. Castlefield Gallery) for the viewers.

For more information about the 'Return to Ritherdon' project, please you the links below:

They will provide a much broader overview of how the various parts and projects fit together. Because Light Wave is a support project, there is no distinct connection between this project and the three main ones (I.E. Light Meter, Relay and Midpoint).


This program is set-up as a glorified script (all in one file). So, there is not much to document. Essentially, all the main code resides in light-wave.py which you can read by clicking the link below:

Project Set-up

This assumes you are on a Linux (Debian/Ubuntu based) machine. Because of project constraints, other environments have not been tested.

# Clone repo. if you haven't already.
git clone http://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/light-wave.git
cd light-wave

# Create and activate the virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies (with pip)
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the program
python light-wave.py

You might need to add additional packages (via apt). The most notable reason why is because Matplotlib needs some extra things to run. It looks like the list depends on what you've already installed on your system -- I've only checked Debian. Use the following link for more information about installing stuff more Matplotlib:

There is not much more to say on this one. It is basically a script gluing the various parts of Matplotlib together. If you would like to extend this program, you will need to use the Matplotlib link above and learn more about how that works.