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update Relay doc.

Craig Oates 3 years ago
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@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ the relay part of the project. It includes software written in C and
Python but I have stuck to just Python for this project. You can see Python but I have stuck to just Python for this project. You can see
how the relay is wired-up to the Pi in the image below. how the relay is wired-up to the Pi in the image below.
#+Caption: Wiring Diagram for the Relay Project
#+Name: wiring-diagram-relay
![Wiring Diagram Relay](attachments/wiring-diagram-relay.png) ![Wiring Diagram Relay](attachments/wiring-diagram-relay.png)
### General Overview of Controlling Relays ### General Overview of Controlling Relays
@ -128,13 +126,13 @@ highlights what each pin is.
current to flow from the C terminal to the NO terminal. A LOW signal current to flow from the C terminal to the NO terminal. A LOW signal
deactivates the relay and stops the current. So if you want the HIGH deactivates the relay and stops the current. So if you want the HIGH
signal to turn ON the relay, use the normally open terminal. See signal to turn ON the relay, use the normally open terminal. See
/figure [[no-configuration]]/ for further information. images below for further information.
- **NC (Normally Closed)**: In the normally closed configuration, a HIGH - **NC (Normally Closed)**: In the normally closed configuration, a
signal opens the switch and interrupts the 120-240V current. A LOW HIGH signal opens the switch and interrupts the 120-240V current. A
signal closes the switch and allows current to flow from the C LOW signal closes the switch and allows current to flow from the C
terminal to the NC terminal. Therefore, if you want the HIGH signal terminal to the NC terminal. Therefore, if you want the HIGH signal
to turn OFF the 120-240V current, use the normally closed to turn OFF the 120-240V current, use the normally closed
terminal. See /figure [[nc-configuration]]/ for further information. terminal. See images below for further information.
![Relay Normally Open Layout](attachments/5v-relay-normally-open-layout.png) ![Relay Normally Open Layout](attachments/5v-relay-normally-open-layout.png)
@ -142,16 +140,148 @@ highlights what each pin is.
## Project Set-up ## Project Set-up
This section needs to be written. Relay consists of two parts: hardware and software. The hardware part
focuses on the electronics attached to the Raspberry Pi 4 and the
software side focuses on installing software dependencies onto the
operating system and 'maintenance' tasks for sustained use of the
device (whilst in operation). For the code written specifically for
this project, please use the following link:
- [Relay Software Repository](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/relay)
### Initial Raspbian Set-up ### Initial Raspbian Set-up
Upon the initial installation of Raspbian on to the Pi, you need to make sure the following is established:
- The username is `rtrp`.
- The host-name is `gallery#` (where "#" is either 1 and 2).
- The Pi is set to auto-login with the `rtrp` account.
You can set the Pi up to automatically login to the desktop but the
recommended option is to login to a "headless" environment
(I.E. console-mode). Remember, you can only log into the desktop
environment if your version of Raspbian has one. The final version of
this project does not expect one.
### Hardware Preparations ### Hardware Preparations
#### Network Connections ### Network Connections
Before installing Raspberry Pi in its final location
(gallery/exhibition), make sure it can connect to the galleries
internet - either via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable. If you use an Ethernet
cable, you do not need to do anything, but Wi-Fi requires a little
work on the command-line (if you are using a 'headless' version of
Raspbian). If you are unsure how to connect to a router via Wi-Fi, use
the following link to learn how:
- [Raspbian Wi-Fi Tutorial](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md)
### Relay Set-up ### Relay Set-up
To connect the relay to the Raspberry Pi, refer to the following image:
- [the image above](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/rtr-docs/src/branch/unstable/relay/rtr-relay.md#wiring-up-the-relay)
### Software Preparations ### Software Preparations
### Running the Program Depending on what version of Linux/Raspbian you are running, you might
need to install some dependencies. I have listed the common ones I
came across whilst developing this project. But, you might need to
rely on your own cunning to track down missing dependencies.
# Don't forget to apt update and upgrade first...
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO
# You might need to install RPi.GPIO via apt
sudo apt install python3-rpi.gpio
# I will explain why this is here below...
mkdir ~/repos
**Note: I decided not to create/use a (Python) virtual environment
because of the projects objectives. I expect the software in this
repository to run on an unmanned machine with only one task to
complete. The environment this project will run in/on will not change
throughout the course of the exhibition. So, the redundancies afforded
by the virtual environment are not needed.**
When you clone this repository, you need to make sure you clone it
into the following location: `/home/rtrp/repos/relay/`. From
there, run the following command,
# This must be the first thing you run after you have cloned
# the repository.
. ~/repos/relay/make-log-files.sh
You can test the code is working properly by running it. You can do
that by entering `sudo python3 ~/repos/relay/reply.py`. This is
assuming the server specified in `reply.py` is set-up and working as
intended. The server is developed in the 'Midpoint' project
repository. Links for 'Midpoint' are as follows:
- [Midpoint Code](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/relay/src/branch/master)
- [Midpoint Documentation](https://git.abbether.net/return-to-ritherdon/rtr-docs/src/branch/master/midpoint)
Note: For some reason, I had trouble running `relay.py` without
sudo. I would sometimes get an error message saying "RPi.GPIO is not
available/installed" (paraphrased). If you manage to get it working
without the use of sudo, remain as you were. Otherwise, keep a mental
note of this if you come across the problem.
### Set-Up Program as a Cronjob
When you are ready to run this project as intended, you can set-up a
cron-job for it. To do so enter `sudo crontab -e` into the console (see
note about sudo above). You might need to select an editor if this is
your first time setting up a cron-job. I tend to go for Nano -- which
is option "1" most of the time. When the crontab file opens, enter the
following commands at the bottom of the file,
@reboot bash /home/rtrp/repos/relay/startup.sh &
00 18 * * * /home/rtrp/repos/relay/shutdown.sh
These tasks make the Raspberry Pi send a message to the sever to
indicate its/their status ("on" or "off") and makes the `startup.sh`
script run. At this point, you should be able to walk away and let the
Pi do its thing. This is assuming the server is up and running and the
Pi is connected to the world-wide-web. If all is successful, you will
notice the Pi will turn itself off at 18:00 (6 p.m.) and will start
receiving reading when you turn it on without any input from
you. Unfortunately, the Pi can only manage the shutdown procedure on
its own. You will need to turn it on. (This has been accounted whilst
the exhibition is open.)
This next part is optional. To make sure the Pi sends a "powering
down" message to the server, I tend you create an alias called
`powerdown`. When you type this into the console, it runs the
`shutdown.sh` script -- which has the shutdown command within it. To
make the alias permanent, enter `alias='~/repos/relay/shutdown.sh`
into `~/.bashrc`. This is easier to test the bespoke shutdown
procedure is working as intended. You can, also, adjust the time in
the crontab or run the script by running the script like you normally
would but I find them to be frustrating to do in this instance.
### Running the Program Manually (Quick Reference)
If you have already completed the other installation/set-up tasks, use
the code below.
# This assumes you have cloned the repository and completed the other
# installation tasks.
sudo python3 ~/repos/relay/reply.py
(Note: This is here so I have something to quickly refer to after not
I've forgot how the Relay works -- because I've not used it for a long